tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set sd to current date
set time of sd to (13 * 60 * 60)
set evt to make new calendar event with properties {start time:sd, end time:sd + 60 * minutes, subject:"test", content:"test content"}
end tell
above script works
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set sd to current date
set time of sd to (13 * 60 * 60)
set evt to make new calendar event with properties {start time:sd, end time:sd + 60 * minutes, subject:"test", content:"test content", recurrence:{start date:sd, end date:{end type:"no end type"}, recurrence type:"daily", occurrence interval:2, days of week:{"wednesday"}}}
end tell
above script doesnt work. pl help.
i am getting the following error
error "Microsoft Outlook got an error: Can’t make {start date:date \"Wednesday, 6 November 2013 1:00:00 PM\", end date:{end type:\"no end type\"}, recurrence type:\"daily\", occurrence interval:2, month number:11, day of month:1, ordinal:1, days of week:{\"wednesday\"}} into type recurrence, missing value."
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