When I try to sort my inbox and use the drop down View By, it's a blank page --(cookies, history etc. all cleared out, makes no difference)
I posted on your Facebook and they advised me to let you know--
I took a screen shot but don't see how I can attach it to show you---oh wait! There is an option to attach but you don't take .tiff so I have pasted the screen shot into a word doc and attached it so you can see! OMG !! It has to be an IMAGE---now I
have to scan and save as JPG-- ridiculous!!! Very unused friendly!!
If I click on an empty area where I know the By Date should be, it sorts but none of the text is visible to make a selection--it's like sort by braille!
I can email it to you if you email me and request it.
Jeannie Allen
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