Hello, I get a lot of junk mail even after I've added the sender to the blocked sender's list and I came across a post from 2013 that seemed like it would help, but the directions given were for Outlook and I use Window's Live. I've pasted the post below and I'm hoping that someone can tell me how to do it with Windows Live?
Hi tonybond57,
Welcome to Microsoft Community! I understand that you want to learn the steps on how you block people from sending emails to your account and view the list of people you have already blocked on the account, which is an important matter in keeping your account secured and ensuring at a safe contact is not blacklisted. To view and add people into your blocked sender's list, please follow these steps:
- Go to your Inbox.
- If you are using the old user interface of Microsoft Hotmail, click on Options (located on the upper right corner of your screen, next to a question mark icon) then More Options. If you are using Outlook.com, click on the gear icon before your name in the upper right corner of the page and then More mail settings.
- From the Hotmail Options screen under the category Preventing junk email, click Safe and blocked senders.
- Click Blocked senders. The next screen should display your entire list of blocked senders.
- To block a contact, add the name or domain (the part of an e-mail address that follows the “@” sign, such as hotmail.com) in the box and then click Add to list.
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