Hi, I recently transferred my email for my custom domain to Outlook.com (using http://go.domains.live.com).  My question is, how can I access that email while using Outlook 2013, the desktop app?  I'm familiar with setting up email addresses in Outlook 2013, and have been able to add my primary Microsoft account to Outlook 2013. But when I add my custom domain email address, it says that it connects, and I can send from the email address, but I don't receive any messages, get the correct folder list (instead I only see Inbox, Drafts, Sent, etc),  and my contacts and calendar don't sync.  I'm guessing I'm either using the wrong protocol, but I'm not sure which protocols Outlook 2013 accepts, and not sure which protocols I'm set up to use on my custom domain email address.


Any help ?

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