I am trying to buy more storage from SkyDrive.com, but when I get to the billing page it only shows me the option to use a US credit card. I am not given the option to change the country. I am based in the UK.
I have spent 2 hours on chat and phone support from Microsoft trying to solve this problem but none of them could do it. I've logged in and out from 4 different browsers used private modes checked that all website settings were set to UK. Even the SkyDrive URL shows en-GB when I have logged in. I have used support from: https://commerce.microsoft.com/paymenthub/help and http://answerdesk.microsoft.com .
Before I give up, does anyone know of any other way to resolve this or if I can buy a code to add more storage to my SkyDrive account?
I think I have exhausted the support options because the people I have contacted could not resolve the problem.
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