I have a new (one month old) HP desk top running Windows 8. Downloaded Live Mail which worked fine for about 3 weeks. After Live Mail wouldn't start (little blue circle next to "starting" and stuck there) I decided to uninstall the program and start over. Went to the Microsoft Download Center and tried to download Live Mail (Essentials) Got "box" that said "Installing Windows Live Essentials 2011" with a % complete indicator. It came to a standstill at 99% (a half dozen times). Nothing short of starting the task manager and ending the program (Windows Live Installer - 32bit) would work. Went to Windows Essentials and tried again. Got a "box" that said "preparing to install Essentials 2012" with the little green bar chasing itself across the screen. Wouldn't do anything else. I'm at my wits end with this thing.  HELP! Did I mention I hate Windows 8? Give me version 7 any day.

Dave G.

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