How do I stop getting all the E-bay delivery notices on my calendar?
I use E-bay a lot for pet supplies ect.
Problem is I also use this calendar to keep track of important Dates, such as Dr. appointments and other important info.
Sometimes the delivery notices crowd out the important dates.
How do I stop this?
How do I stop getting all the E-bay delivery notices on my calendar?
I use E-bay a lot for pet supplies ect.
Problem is I also use this calendar to keep track of important Dates, such as Dr. appointments and other important info.
Sometimes the delivery notices crowd out the important dates.
How do I stop this?
How do I stop getting all the E-bay delivery notices on my calendar?
I use E-bay a lot for pet supplies ect.
Problem is I also use this calendar to keep track of important Dates, such as Dr. appointments and other important info.
Sometimes the delivery notices crowd out the important dates.
How do I stop this?
can't hear anything sent to me from my Facebook messenger from the recording
can't hear anything sent to me from my Facebook messenger from the recording
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