Hi, I'm the organiser on my child's laptop, seem to have set us both up fine with microsoft accounts and a family group (my son is a member) in Microsoft Family and want to set it up to receive weekly activity reports. when I click on my child's name, in the activity reporting section, the following is turned on Let organisers in your family see your activity
When I log in as my son it's also turned on.
But it doesn't give me anywhere an option to turn on weekly activity reports.
I don't see the screen that online tutorials say I should go to when I click on my son's name when I'm logged in myself.
Can you help with how I turn on weekly activity reports? It's working for my daughter's account via Microsoft Family.
al realizar video conferencias las personas que están al otro lado de la pantalla no me oyen , yo a ellos si que puedo hacer ??
I need to update my password, but I don't have the same phone #, I need some assistance.
How do I update my phone #, why is this so hard to use?
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