It bounces in my dock, starts to open, then closes without ever really opening. Help!
I have a primary account in my name plus 2 additional ones for specific department business. All the mail shows my primary address as the return (& "reply") address. How do I get each account to "return/reply" to the corresponding address. Incoming mail
goes to the appropriate Inboxes initially.
I have changed the account name from year to year, so the account name shows up but return mail still comes to my main account.
Somehow after updating from 14.6.5 to 14.6.7, it switched to an older POP identity and corrupted it. Everything was working as normal before this. I pulled up the Database Utility and had to manually select my newer IMAP identity and then everything loaded
fine, but when it went to sync it deleted my entire inbox in Outlook, so now all my messages are gone on both the server as well as my inbox! I did manually backup my IMAP identity before syncing with IMAP b/c of this glitchy behavior resulting from the update,
but i have no idea what happened or why, or how to restore. This is horrifying.
I connect to an Exchange server with Microsoft Outlook 2011, and Apple Mail, both running on several Apple machines (OSX 10.8 and 10.9). On two of those machines, when I move messages from Inbox to other Server folders, with either application, they stay
moved - disappear from Inbox, appear in the folders, all fine. But on my laptop, the weirdest thing started to happen. On both Outlook and Mail, the messages seems to move, but then either 1) shows up again in the Inbox a few minutes late (this is on Apple
Mail), or 2) looks like it's moved, but other clients (as well as OWA) shows me that it's not in fact moved and is still in Inbox (this is what happens with Outlook). It's like those client applications can't convince the server to actually move them, but
why is it both of them, from that one machine? I know they both connect to the server ok because I can receive and reply to emails. How do I debug this - how do I figure out why that one machine can't seem to push message move commands no matter which client
is used?
I'm using Outlook 2011 for Mac and would like message windows to open in the same position each time (upper left). Instead, windows continue to open toward bottom right of screen. I manually reposition the message, but message windows subsequently opened
revert to the bottom right location. Is there a way to make my preferred location the default?
Hi All
for any reason My outlook V15.23 for mac generates error every minutes en error 1025 due to "invalid mailbox name"
I can't understand why and how to stop them...
Please help!
Split from this thread.
I have been having this issue lately too. It just shows up as "Other: New Messages" where a message would appear in list of msgs in the inbox. Clicking on it does nothing, there is also an "x" in the right corner but also doesn't respond to clicking it.
Usually if you go open another folder or a different message, then it goes away. I'm using on a Mac laptop via Safari 6.2.8. Here is a screenshot below:
I lost emails, folders, calendar items and contacts on MS Office Outlook 2011 for iMac (2010 w/ OS X Yosemite) after power outage. Is there any to get this info back?
I'm trying to set up a new folder to file emails into which is stored on the server NOT 'my computer.
On Apple Mail you simply select if it is to be stored 'on my Mac' or on the server - but with MS Outlook I cannot see an option.
As I am moving to IMAP I need to see sub-folders replicated on all devices - not just the inbox / sent box.
Split from this thread.
I have El Capitan 10.11.6 and am unable to do a search in emails or in Contact in Outlook 2011. Anyone have a solution?
Note: The above topic was added to 3-year-old post about a similar problem using Mountain Lion. This message was split from the old topic
This action is taken based upon my position as Community Moderator – P.M Jones.
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