I went to redownload an app (adobe reader) and had to accept the new Microsoft terms of service but couldnt because apparently my account is a child account. I sorted out the terms of service by logging in as my mum to verify/accept on my behalf, but I want to know how to remove this restriction. When I opened my account I was a child, however now I am 19 and it is really frustrating when I can't do simple things like accept the new terms of service without jumping through hoops. I went to manage my account and couldnt find anything, I went to manage my mums account and found a section about child accounts but there were none listed. Also in my account I can create child accounts, which would be strange/stupid if my account was actually a child account.
I remember having this issue a while back when something changed with Xbox and I thought I had fixed it when I got the onlinesettings on the Xbox to be that of ah adult account but obviously not.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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