Despite having the standard security setting active, it appears that replies to job applications I've been sending out are being filtered into my junk mail box and then deleted. I use Thunderbird to view my email and the junk folder isn't present in the
way I set up the programme. This is not an issue for me, I knew that was how I organised it and I did it on purpose. What I don't understand is why email addresses like *** Email address is removed for privacy *** would get filtered to junk at all. Luckily, I was on another computer today
checking my email and saw a reply from one of hundreds of jobs I applied for while cleaning out emails.
If possible, I need access to the last 3 months of automatically deleted junk mail files. Badly. I must look like a complete idiot to these people who have been replying to me, or worse, a complete jerk. My industry is tiny where I am, and I'm applying
for jobs with the same 6-10 companies essentially, if not directly then to their subsidiaries.
Also, while I'm here: I realise I'm about to get shouted down for posting this in the wrong place. Where is the right place to post this?
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