I tried sending a e-mail with photos attached. Photos populated to the body of the text. I received error message: "The message could not be sent because it could not be split into smaller parts." Instructed to delete the photo e-mail, but it doesn't show up in my "Sent Items" Folder and there is not an Outbox Folder. Now I cannot create a new message. How do I clear the error message to enable new messages to be created?


Delete the photo email, create a new one, and try to send it again.


Server: 'smtp.gmail.com'

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8CCC0002

Protocol: SMTP

Port: 465

Secure(SSL): Yes


The message could not be sent because it could not be split into smaller parts.


Subject 'Mama's Burn Photos {15E0EADC-8D20-4BE3-8F30-F11B0A516532}.wpostx [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [1/2] [2/2]'

Server: 'smtp.gmail.com'

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800420CA

Protocol: SMTP

Port: 465

Secure(SSL): Yes

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