13. November 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Your advertising campaign against Gmail is compelling and thought provoking but the reality is Gmail works very well and Outlook.com does not. I have two problems. Firstly, emails do not arrive. I own a domain and my primary email address forwards email to outlook.com. This did work OK but now does not. In common with other people people's complaints, it is not in junk and there is no bounce back message. I've tested this numerous times and know that emails do not get through as I also have the same emails forwarded to Gmail.

Secondly, I've set up an alias, which will be my primary address. This is a non outlook.com email address but why does it come up with the name line as something like 'livemailassdjdjdjc4555558856638.655566 on behalf of..' and how do I change it?

I want an alternative to Gmail for all the reasons you provide but outlook.com does not appear up to the task.



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