Our school district was recently blocked last week by Microsoft during the SkyDrive and Live Account setup stating "Error Code: 450: 0x800482d4. You've reached the daily limit for creating Microsoft accounts. Please wait
a day and try to sign up again." I have tried fiercely to contact Microosft Account Services and get this raised or excused, but there is no number, and Microsoft Surface support say they can't help me and to submit a support ticket, which I have already done
and have receive little to no response from. How do I fix this?!?!
We have 250 surface tablets that need to link to live accounts that need to be created so that they can sync correctly, and we cannot do it with this error block preventing us. I was told that you can remove this block for a period
of 30 days. Please do this for us! I can gladly provide the IP Address that you will need to remove the block.
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