I have made a Video using Windows Live Movie Maker and saved it in the format suitable for WMV.   I have been successful in uploading it to You Tube, but

when I try to send the same video via e-mail I keep receiving the same failur notice. ( copy below)      e-mail *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.
Subject 'Emailing: C.C.O.M.C. COMPUTER C.C.O.M.C. COMPUTER.wmv [14/90]'
Server: 'mail.btinternet.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

en trying to send the same video via e-mail I keep receiving the same faiur notic

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