I have been able to switch accounts from my hotmail account to my live account for over a year now
..however on July 27th 2013 MSN cancelled this access system and closed my account and then wanted me to fill out an application showing what info I had been setup with on my Hotmail account.
I could not remember what all I had set up with this account years ago..and I tried as best I could to supply the all the info.
I got a email back to my gmail account on July 30, 2013 telling me I did not have enough correct info to reopen my hotmail account.
I called the help desk and got someone in India who could hardly speak English..but I was told to fill out the application even though I told the individual this did not work. And they will not help me because I do not pay for my hotmail account.
Since July 27, 2013....I have filed an application to restore my hotmail account several times but each time I get a message from MSN..
"we are unable to process your request at this time try again later"when I finish it says..sorry we can not complete this action at this time try again later."
I can not even apply now to get my hot mail account back something I have had for over 10 years with 1000's of emails I want access too. All I get is this damn message to try again later.
Can anyone suggest anything??
I have opened a new account and it works fine except I am missing all my email addresses still held in my hotmail account.
desperate Bruce
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