All I get is a place to put "name" and "company" when I add a new person. There is no easy place to see to add an email address, let alone any other information. I can easily add a new group but it's not clear how to effectively put new people in a newly
created group. Also, I used to be able to just have people in a group not cluttering my individual contact list and that doesn't appear to be the same. I have a Mac if that makes a difference. I HATE this "new improvement".
I've also checked out the string "What's New, What's Different" and it's not helpful. It doesn't address my problem fully and I cannot understand WHY the create new person is so blasted limited. What good does that do anyone?
11. September 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail, · Tags: Contact, difference, information, list, person
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