I had YAHOO for many a year and then when they put their unproven next Version I sign up for it and it didn't work. I contacted YAHOO and told them I wanted my old Version back, as they had done for me several times in the past, and I was told that once I go forward, I could NEVER go back to the old Version. OK! I accepted that, what else could I do! I tried and tried to operate the new Version and it hardly ever worked for me. I knew what I had to do with the new (bad) Version so it wasn't me at fault. Meanwhile my incoming E-mail was stacking up. I talk with YAHOO people as well as receiving E-mail from them.
Since YAHOO wasn't going to work for/with me I signed up with AOL and all was OK except YAHOO still tried to butt into my AOL. They wouldn't let up. It got so bad that I tossed my old PC and purchased a brand new PC that has Windows 8 in it from Office Depot. Now I'm having trouble with Microsoft trying to butt in as mail carrier. I need M/soft in my PC but I SHOULD be able to use my own mail carrier. I now have AOL as well as GMAIL and I don't need/want another carrier.
Can you help me reach that goal?
John Lillis
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