
I had a motherboard failure on New Year's Day. I luckily had a backup. I pulled the info for my Windows Live Mail off of the old hard drive. I have all of the folders. I did begin to restore yesterday and have run into some issues. I am at this point unsure of how to proceed. Please bare with me as I list the current issues in the order that they occurred. I appreciate your help in advance.

I was using Windows 7 before the motherboard failure. My new machine runs Windows 8. I do not have any anti-virus on it yet. Windows Firewall and Windows Defender are running.

I have 12 email accounts that I was restoring. They range from Hotmail, and Gmail to domain name accounts.

As I was restoring I noticed that some accounts, the domain accounts, did not import the messages. It tells me that it IS importing the thousands of messages to "inbox" for example, but they are not there or anywhere that I can find. I tried to do it again, but got the same results. This is happening to a few accounts.  The .eml files are definitely there and it is definitely going through the "import" function showing that they are being imported.

Second, none of my sub-folders get loaded. I know that the .eml are there and it shows that it is importing them, but alas, no files are there. I really need these loaded in the same structure that they were previously in WLM. I can see that the sub-folder structure is there in the backup files.

Third, under Send/Receive I have duplicate account names for almost all of my accounts. This is very annoying. I suspect that I caused this when I retried the imports, but I am not sure. Regardless, I need a way to fix this.

I hope that someone can help me to figure this out. I really need my email back to the way it was.

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