Need some advice in blocking emails from the hotmail domain without blocking my hotmail contacts. I have my inbox set to Exclusive which was great as only emails from my contacts or trusted email addresses were delivered to my inbox. All the rest was sent to my junk box.


Well today, I've started to get junk email from hotmail accounts into my inbox and I'm not sure why that has started or how to stop it.


If I add the domain "@hotmail" to my blocked list won't that automatically delete ALL incoming emails that have the @hotmail domain as oppose to just sending them to the junk folder. I want to send them to the junk folder so I can screen them in case I get an email from a @hotmail address that I need to add to the safe list.


I'm not sure how to filter out and send the junk @hotmail emails to the junk folder because as I mentioned, Outlook used to filter it out (and only send contacts or those on the safe list to my inbox) but now I'm getting all emails that end with @hotmail to my inbox regardless of the fact that they are not on my safe list or contact list.


Edit: I've started receiving junk email to my inbox from other domains too. I don't want to have to keep reporting them as junk because a) there is a lot and spammers constantly change their domain and b) I shouldn't be receving them if my email setting is set to Exclusive.


Any advice on how to adjust this back to the way it used to be or why this has suddenly started?


Thanks in advance



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