Hey guys, i'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I used to have internet service from a service provider called Bell. People from Canada know about them. A couple month ago I left their services but had my Xbox live account registered on a @bell.net email. Soon after that, Bell deleted my account their system and live. Now I cannot sign in to my Xbox live profile OR even reset my password cause it always says the email is invalid. I called customer support and after a long 1 and a half hour conversation they said they could not do anything about it since they needed to verify my account. The only ways to do that was by sending a code to my email, which I could not access, or sending a text to the number I had on my profile. Now that number, which was added about 5+ years ago, was a home phone number since I did not have a cell phone back then or even knew I should put in my cell phone. Now there is no way to verify my account so they cannot do ANYTHING about it. I'm still paying for live and have about $250+ worth of DLC, years of gamer score and friends id lose if I were to make a new account. Now I can provide verification through other methods such as my secret question, credit card number, birth date, etc. Customer support told me to post here to see if you guys could do anything about it. I really hope you guys can do something about this as I need my account back. I can provide my account info if a mod pm's me or can post it here if they say so. Thanks. Also, i'm not sure if this is the right category.

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