I am getting the following error message when trying to get my email account set up on Windows Live Mail - does anyone know if I can resolve this? My laptop is brand new so it doesnt have a huge amount on it, so Id be suprised if there is not enough memory,
Unable to send or receive messages for the Doctors.org (drobinson85) account. Header download for the 'Drafts' folder did not complete. PLAIN authentication failed. None of the authentication methods supported by your IMAP server (if any) are supported
on this computer.
Server Response: Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server, due to non-network errors. This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system.
Server: 'mail1.doctors.org.uk'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Secure(SSL): Yes
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