Is the response I get when I try to open Movie maker or open Movie Maker Project (.wlmp) which I previously created no problem?
I have Lenovo G560 ,Intel core i3 CPU *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, 2Gb Ram ( 1.87 usuable), 64 bit operating system, running Windows 7 home premium.
I have checked display driver ,it says its up to date, I have reload Windows Live Essentials ( Twice).
I have run a limited start up but still the pesky thing wont work! I made a video of my daughters wedding but now can't view it can any body tell me how to get this program working again and why it has stopped working?
Is Windows Live essentials 2012 compatable with my Windows7 or do I need to install Windows Essentials 2011?
Oh nearly forgot I have DirectX 11, it shows DDI 10, on a DXdiag, so why wont it work?
Cheers Greg.
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