Okay so it was a long time ago since i made my first email adress : *** Email address is removed for privacy *** that i was using for game platform and MSN. So i got Ratted all my cookies were stolen. The secondary emails have been changed, but i decided to make another mail
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** my second mail was also hacked but i kept secondary email (GMAIL) and now Hotmail asks a first email adress that is linked to mnevenomsplash which is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** , Of course i don't remember the data cause it was false but i'm the original creater
of both emails.
My assumption is that some french hacker got first because i when i tried to retrive it the secondary emails were ending with hotmail.FR
So all i want now is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** to be UNBLOCKED because as i wrote it was fake files but i can remember some data about it.
And i want first email that is linked to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** to be deleted (which is *** Email address is removed for privacy ***) and 2nd to be kept which is MINE GMAIL.
So please i want to hear what can you do about it.
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