Hello, I am new to Microsoft, Outlook and Hotmail.  I set up a live.co.uk email address as my name was not available as hotmail.co.uk.  I then set up an alias, but for some reason my name was now available as hotmail.co.uk.  Weird I thought, but I took the alias anyway as it was available.


However, since I sent a few emails back and forth to test it via the new look Outlook, my email address (both primary and alias) are coming up with someone else's photograph.  I imagine the person who held the email address before me.  When I look at my own profile, there is no photo there. 


1. Why was my name not available as a primary email address, but available as an alias?  Is it possible I have accidentally "stolen" a live email address as my alias?

2. How do I stop the other person's photo from showing as an avatar through Outlook.com, when there is no photo on my own profile?

Many thanks in advance for any support/advice.




**EDIT - I've worked out that the photo is from a Facebook page of a girl who (used to?) have a Facebook with my new alias email address.  What can I do to unlink this incorrect Facebook account?


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