Our small business uses our ISP as our email provider in stead of an exchange server.


I'm having problems with a users POP3 email not receiving properly in Outlook 2010.


The last message being received, regardless of the number of messages being received, always hangs and occasionally the message of...



Task '(I'm_Omitting_the_UserName)@(&_I'm_Omitting_the_Domain).com - Receiving' reported error (0x800CC0B) : 'Unknown Error 0x800CC0B



There are no problem sending emails.


From what I've gathered from reading elsewhere the 0x800CC0B code indicates a busy server.  However, no other user on the domain is having the same issue.


I've verified the users settings on our ISP's website and I've checked the users incoming and outgoing port and POP3 address settings also, all of which are correct as well and all of which match other users who are not having any receiving problems.


I suspect the issue is directly related to the users Outlook.


Any suggestions or thoughts on how to fix the receiving issue?


The only things I haven't tried are deleting the users mailbox and resetting it up from scratch, taking a repair option on her Office 2010 installation, and reinstalling Office 2010 in its entirety.  As those options are all time consuming and risk creating other problems (i.e. installation removal or re-installation errors, lost emails, future and worse Outlook connectivity issues, etc.) I have not tried those options.


I so hope Microsoft creates a glitch free version of Outlook one day as I've never had a good experience with any version of Outlook   :(

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