18. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Email stuck in outbox not sent
16. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi there,I am trying to add a countdown clock on my microsoft video editor that I created. I want to have a video that I have created in video editor running during a break period with a countdown clock showing how much time there is.Is this possible?If so, please send me the steps to do soThank youSylvia
14. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi,I have been using Windows Live Mail for quite a long time but recently I find that I can receive emails okay but I cannot send them, when I try I get an error code 0x800ccc0E, socket error 10051I have checked for corrupt/missing system files but all seem to be okay. I have also checked my email settings which for outgoing mail is and always have been server "smtp: live.com", port 587.I have checked my anti-virus Firewall settings and they are set to allow both incoming and outgoing traffic.I have tried on another computer with the same results.I can send emails okay using Outlook but I pre
13. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Чем дальше, тем хуже. В 10 версии было отдельное средство работы с изображениями и создании их каталога, а не просто редактирования. Тот же недостаток поразил и музыкальный центр. А вопрос вот какой. Все работало до переустановки системы. Теперь система открывается со второго раза. Возникает заставка материнской платы, затем окно виндовс, затем пропадает сигнал на монитор и после перезагрузки со второго раза система загружается. Я уже 2 раза восстановил систему, потом отнес диск на форматирование и переустановил с флешки. Но проблема осталась. PS В нашей боголюбивой стране только за форматиров
13. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hello all!When I open images in the Photos app, I cannot always zoom in fully to the image. I can never zoom in past an arbitrary threshold - one very large image I wanted to look at has a max zoom of twenty-three percent. How far I can zoom seems to be inversely proportional to my window size - the larger the window, the less I can zoom in. Is there a way to zoom in more on png images in the Photos app?
05. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Доброго время суток, скажите как его запустить?, и добавить в реестр ноутбука?.
04. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Email sent from MS Live shows up with incorrect name as sender. How do I correct this?
03. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I haven't tried logging into an old hotmail account for years and now I need to in order to get information related to a relative who recently passed away.I know my old passwords but since I am logging in on a new device, the system wants to send a verification code to the phone number associated with the old account, and I no longer have this phone numberAny and all help is appreciated!
03. February 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hello, The issue in subject is a problem as we are using many email folders in our system (hundreds!). When moving an email from the inbox to its 'destination folder', we have to go through the entire list of folders. This is a tedious ineffective way of doing that. Comparing it to the Outlook web app (or many other mail apps) - they have the option of searching for a folder when moving the email, and they list the recent folders in use next to it. This is highly efficient and severely missing from the Windows 10 Mail app. Any chance that this feature will be added to Windows 10 Mail app in th
31. January 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I want to show both my folder list and my full inbox. Then I can drag individual emails into folders from the inbox. If I click on folders, it displays the list of folders over the left hand side of the inbox, obscuring the sender's name. How do I show both full inbox, including sender, and folder list? I've searched the forums. Some refer to a "View" tab. I don't see any "view" tab. This is in Windows 11.