28. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hola, realice todos los pasos sugeridos, back up de correo en carpeta, copia en USB, levantar USB en nueva computadora y los correos no se cargan.Primero pensé que era porque no había creado las cuentas de correo, así que las cree y lo corrí y nada.Luego pensé que era porque tengo muchas carpetas de conversaciones creadas, así que las cree y lo corrí y nada.Me podrías ayudar, no hay forma de poder recuperar todo los correos del trabajo.... si me entran los correos nuevos!Gracias por tu respuesta.Verónica
27. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I uploaded a wrong photos to my wallpaper list in ASUS TUF and i want to delete that but i didn't know the steps, can anybody help me with this? i really appreciate that, Thankyou.
27. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi,This is message I'm getting when I try to access Windows Live Mail.Windows Live Mail has stopped working  A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.My question is: "How will Windows notify me?"
26. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
How to uninstall evaluation copy that was installed on my computers without my permission?  Windows 10 Pro 
21. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Until yesterday, I easily switched back and forth between PRC Simplified Chinese and English in MS-Word.  Now, I can't.  I have tried several times to use Settings to add PRC Chinese but it will not respond when I select "add language." Any suggestions?  
21. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
While changing the icon of the folder I click on an icon but it chooses another icon (it only happens in one icon)is this problem just because the computer i am using is old? Or is it the same problem for everyone? or is it a problem of windows? please tell me solution.
20. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
My microphone doesn't seem to be working and i don't know what's wrong. Also, I do not have any external microphone attached. Please help me.
20. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
My microphone doesn't seem to be working and i don't know what's wrong. Also, I do not have any external microphone attached. Please help me.
19. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Word unable to complete save due to a file permission error. How do I resolve this?
18. May 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi,Whenever I add custom audio to a video project using the new windows photo/video editor, a new folder is created nested in my system files in C:\Users\[my name]\[personal folders]\Video ProjectsThis is not in "My Documents" or "Videos" or even "Photos" but nested in a folder I created to organize my music library.  Because of this, whenever I create a video I get a second copy of this audio file put into my music library when in reality I don't want that.How can I change this "Video Projects" folder to be somewhere else?