27. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Why is it not possible to complete a msn.com email since I have used this account for years in the past.Connie Klien
27. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hola por que sus actualizaciones son lentesimas 
26. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi, I have received this message and some function such as windows start and search has failed.please help me.Thanks a lot. 
25. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I've finally done the gallery storage switch from samsung cloud to one drive, as this has been on my samsung notifications for weeks now due to the Samsung-one drive collaboration. I let the files move to one drive by following the usual procedure. Sadly I look at one drive in the evening and find 4 years worth of photos with dates all changed to today. I'm sure anyone with more than 10 photos on their phone can see why this is incredibly inconvenient. I see plenty of questions around on this subject and no solution- in fact, even a refusal to acknowledge this is a one drive issue. The photos
25. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hello!I started a gaming channel that I want to one day monetize. I use video editor to do the simple thing I need done. While I don't use the music on there I do use the fonts. Then I started learning that even simple lines are copyright protected... So I therefore am hesitant to use the text in video editor.But in all this I now feel like the whole thing is for personal use only seeing as we can't do anything anymore in these times.
25. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
how can i active dvd disc in windows 8.1 enspiration
24. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I have lost access to Windows Live Mail. Also after an 'Update'. I have tried System Restore twice, System Reset. I can't access WORD properly, either. I am now waiting to call Tech Support on Monday  for my old  laptop. This is how I communicate with my family in the States. I live in Canada. With everything on Lockdown, I can't get this repaired anytime soon.
24. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I am getting a request to update/install Windows Live Mail and Messenger 15.4.3502.0922 which I keep denying.I am currently on Windows Live Mail Build 15.4.3555.0308 and it has been running seamlessly for me - no issues at all. Why is system telling me to install a back version?  I do not want to install it and run into problems with folders, etc. I think this started happening after I updated Win 10 Home to Version 20H2 build 19042.867 on March 30, 2021 or possibly after installing KB4601554 on April 2/21
24. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
My Microsoft account was originally using Hotmail.  My husband abandoned Windows for Linux now I have to manage my email account *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.  When I log in Outlook seems to be the program but I don,t see all the items on the menu bar that I see when I Google how to manage rules and perform Sweep to attempt to minimize my junk mail folder which I am getting hundreds of unwanted emails.  Did you notice I am nontechnical?
23. April 2021 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
A video recorded on my phone is upside down, can I make it right side up in Video Editor?