11. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi:I have a movie I'd like to make and don't know if Movie Maker can do everything I need:I want to:- Play a video.- Rewind it in slow motion including voices slowed down.- Have images appear over the video picture-in-picture style.- Overlay music in the background when I play back in slow motion.I have Windows 10. Can I do these things? If not, does anyone have a suggestion of software that can?***Moved to Windows Essentials***
11. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hey All,can anyone help with the following.A bit over a week ago one of my email accounts in WLM stopped sending/receiving.I've had the exact same set-up working for 10+ years.When I do a "send/receive all" I'm getting Error 0x800ccc0f for my GMX linked account.When I try to send using my GMX outgoing mail settings I get Error 0x800ccc0b.My set-up is POP3 (with definitely all the right SSL and port settings).I've set up another email account for GMX as IMAP and also getting an error when trying to sync folders to local (Error 0x800ccc0e).The problem is defs between WLM and GMX s
10. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I recently switched email hosts and I can receive emails but can't send from those email accounts. I've tried all of the settings possible to no avail. I've tried other email programs and am able to get it to work in Postbox, but I really prefer the layout and function of Windows live mail. I would really like to get it to work. Can someone please help?
09. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Mám ve WINDOWS 10 nainstalovaný Windows Essentials a asi jsem zvolil při instalavi pouze Windows Live Mail 2012. S tím si již nejsem úpně jistý, je to již dlouho. Vše mě funguje dobře (snad to nazkřiknu), ale WLM 2012 občas zazlobil, že nestáhl poštu, ale sám se vzpamatoval a zase fungoval. Vytvořil jsem si v něm ve složce ARCHIV Zálohu mailů, které se mě již mnohokrát hodily k navázání a pokračování korespondence. Nyní se mi již WLM 2012 ZABLOKOVAL A ODMÍTÁ STAHOVAT POŠTU. Přitom POŠTA ve W10 poštu normálně stahuje. U ní jsem nepřišel na to jak do ni dostat ten můj archiv. emCLIENT poštu stah
09. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Hi,Over the last few days I have been receiving some emails which arrive as unreadable plain text code, as opposed to html (example below). I have signed into my AOL email online account, & everything appears fine, but when I try reading them in WLM, they are unreadable?Example</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>Any thoughts?
08. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
(Simply pay attention to the Disk read) Context about what is happening here, so the ntoskrnl.exe is System and the System is my OS, the OS is on my C drive, my C drive is running on a SSD SPCCSolidStateDrive 237gb's and it's been around for about 5 years now. It has begun to start doing this randomly, if I am watching a video or playing a game, my frames will drop from 60 to 40 and things become janky for a 3 seconds or 10 seconds and then things speed back up, typically when the SSD is downloading or reading something, the Disk will show around 30% to 25% usage and it displays all of it's in
08. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
To whom it may concern, For some reason now, I keep getting this error while trying to drag a .mp4 file into the Video Editor/Photos app in Windows 10. I have looked for solutions. I only found one that I can import a video from collections, but I want to be able to browse my computer and select the video normally like it used to and should. I have tried reseting/repairing and unintalling (Using Windows Powershell) and reintalling it. None of those solutions fixed the issue. I would apprecieate any help!Warmly, Chris
06. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
MS have shut down my rewards and given no reason their (help) is saying they stand by their decision.i have done NOTHING, how do i get them to tell me what i have apparently done, and get them to open iy back up as i have done nothing wrongAlso MS support is joke, cant call anyone and none of the categories fit this
03. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Is there a 'permanent clipboard' where I can save phrases that I type A LOT? Like for me that would be my personal and business email addresses, phone#, signature block, phrases I use a lot like "If you need further assistance, please call or email...", "The invoice copies you requested are attached" etc.My suggestion to keep it simple would be Alt-F1 or Alt-Cntrl-F7, something like that. I don't think I can currently assign a function key to a macro, and that's basically all it really would be. With a really simple steps to set up or assign because we're accounts receivable people, not IT.
03. June 2022 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Unable to send or receive messages for the Gmail account. Header download for the 'Drafts' folder did not complete. XOAUTH authentication failed. None of the authentication methods supported by your IMAP server (if any) are supported on this computer. Server Response: Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server, due to non-network errors. This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system. Server: 'imap.gmail.com' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F Protocol: IMAP Port: 993 Secure(SSL): i didn't change anything on my end but as 6 AM June 2, 2022 - nothing i try works, h