11. May 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:
I'm running into several challenges with Windows Live Movie Maker.  My biggest problem is that I have scrolling credits at the end of my slid show.  In project display the credits scroll just fine.  When I go to full display the credits only scroll about 70% through before they stop.  They don't freeze they just end as if there is no more text.  The background slide remains the full amount of time it's just that the text was truncated.  If I quickly exit full screen I can still see the text scrolling on the slide in the project display.  I'm also having problems with keeping the music synchronized.  I'm trying to get slides to transition at certain points of the accompanying music.  If I adjust the slides in the vicinity of the note I want to hit I can sync things up nicely.  But when I play the whole video from the start, the music and the slide I had been working on no longer match.  This is a real problem when the slides and music you are trying to sync are 5 min into the video.

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