Ryan Murdzia

7–26–2015 page 1 of 12
This is my real life eyewitness account. I am trying to leak this information to save thousands of peoples’ lives and because a clear violation of our civil liberties under the Constitution of the United States of America. The Republicans work with Comcast the biggest cable company which has a department for spying on people in their own houses also murdering people in their own houses and entertaining rich people. Also this department of Comcast is use to protect rich people in their own houses for an example such as movie actors, Millionaires, anyone that works on any TV program, News, Sports, Talk shows, Game shows, just to name a few. This department of Comcast is holding me hostage since the Spring of 2011 because of the information witnessed by me. In the Summer of 2011 the department of Comcast waited until me and my family to leave our house then the department of Comcast that is working with the FBI and the FBI is control by the Republicans to send FBI agents over to my house to install two-way wiretaps, covert listening devices, and hidden spy cameras ( two-way wiretaps is a listening device with a built in microphone to talk through just like a cell phone ) two-way wiretaps are installed in my bathroom, bedroom, in the light fixtures in every room in my house also in my cars, trucks, low jack too. The department of Comcast uses a spy satellite with low jack to make sure I don’t escape. Covert listening device is a miniature two-way radio with a microphone known as a Bug ( which are no bigger than the tip of an ink pen. ) The department of Comcast is working with the FBI and the FBI had sent agents to put a Bug in all of my clothes, t-shirts, jeans, sweat pants, shorts, coat, jacket, bowling shirts, sweaters, underwear, and my pillow on my bed and in my mattress and in the couch were I sit in the living room. Also hidden spy video cameras in my hallway, bathroom, ceiling fan, and other places in my house. Comcast is my internet provider, home phone, and cable provider. If I send a FAX it won’t be sent because the people from the department of Comcast can read it because a copy is redirected and decide if they want to send the FAX. Since Comcast is my internet provider and is my network administrator which the department of Comcast uses to monitor and control my computer ( HP ) to prevent me from sending any information or email that the department of Comcast doesn’t want anyone to read also every time I scan an image on my computer a data base file file appears and configuration setting file where the my scan images are stored use by the FBI to collect information and use to control my properties in my scan images files or files to prevent scan images files also are uploaded as photos from being able to read or sent. My home phone and cellphone ( Verizon ) is being listen to by the department of Comcast also phone calls can be disconnected or phone won’t dial out.The department of Comcast makes the postman take the information ( my real life I witness account ) that I tried to send in the mailbox and the same for the newspaper box also the people that work for the Post office ( drop box ). When I make a copies of my real life I witness account on my copy machine ( Cannon ) the department of Comcast will use WiFi to read the copy also because my network administrator which makes it possible to read the copies I make and redirect copies that I make to the department of Comcast. Manufacturer must have a video camera, listening device with a microphone built inside every cable box and TV also cellphone, smartphone, tablet, computer, XBOX ONE, iPad, any high tech device the only way that these devices can be sold in the United States of America. The reason why high devices aren’t sold

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in the USA because they don’t want you to know. Two way wiretap, Bug, hidden spy video camera, and the listening device with a microphone, a video camera, in the cable box and TV, also all high tech devices, spy satellite, these are all tools of our National Security and were meant to be use by the Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, to catch terrorist instead the department of Comcast uses to spy, kidnap, hold hostage, torture, and murder thousands of people in their own houses in our state of Michigan and across the USA which has Governor Rick Snyder’s and the Republicans’ approval. This is treason and a clear violation of the Bill OF RIGHTS (civil liberties) under the Constitution of the United States of America. It all started back in February 2011 when I was sending tweets to everyone ( Note: I sent those tweets with my profile unlocked anyone could see and read my full name also my location. Twitter is use for corporate America to find out what people are thinking and to interact with the general population so be careful who you are sending tweets to and say, our National Security could be used on you for any reason or other bad purposes like to spy, hold hostage, torture, kidnap, and murder, people in their own houses, done without Twitter’s permission the same for any Social Network to name a few: Google+, Reddit, LinkedIn, My Space, without permission or email. This is my third Facebook account the other two accounts *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and *** Email address is removed for privacy *** were locked by the FBI and CIA which was order by the Republicans to prevent me from leaking this information on Facebook, this was done without Facebook’s permission. Facebook blocked from challenging search warrants targeting its users. Facebook was blocked from my accessing both of my accounts because of the information I am trying to leak, like my I witness account and evidence, scan images files also scan images as photos on my timeline in of my both accounts. I have been locked out of my Facebook accounts for leaking information to other Facebook users and their lives now could be in danger. ) at Fox News, CNN, for a couple weeks and I was watching O’Reilly on Fox News, for the first ten minutes then the O’Reilly Factor went on a commercial break but Bill O’Reilly was still there the lights dimmed down and Bill O’Reilly said “Ryan the guy on the couch” as he use the video camera in the cable box ( this allow Bill O’Reilly to see me from his studio which is being film live (because internet is automatically standard inside broadband cable used by Comcast which makes it possible for Comcast to stream a live video feed with audio or a live video picture with audio (Skype is an example) by using the video camera, listening device with a microphone, in any cable box and TV) now Bill O’Reilly has a video picture with audio or live streaming video with audio of you or me in your own house and Bill O’Reilly describe the clothes that I was wearing, during the commercial break. Every commercial break Bill O’Reilly told me about how he and the department of Comcast were murdering people and making look like an accident or poison peoples’ food, sometimes with a industrial chemical that is unknown and won’t be detectable in a autopsy. Bill O’Reilly had a fighter jet crashed into a suburban in California. The department of Comcast had a person kick out a jack that was holding up a car which crushed a man to death. In ‘Grand Rapids. Bill O’Reilly use the microphone, listening device & video camera in the cable box to brain wash a man to shoot Gabrielle Giffords while giving her speech in AZ. The department of Comcast crashed a car into a Amish school and kill students and the boy that was hiding from the department of Comcast. ‘Ohio. Bill O’Reilly had the department of Comcast poison a whole family because he always eat with his family which made it hard to poison him. The department of Comcast broke into a person house and beat that person to death with a cable box. Bill O’Reilly made a walkies talkie into a bomb to blown up a American citizen which that person die from wounds. The department of Comcast broke into a women house and shot the women who live there a lot of times and she die. In Grand Rapids. I handed out my I witness account at a HOBO’S restaurant in North Muskegon to a women then later I heard her say through the microphone in my cable box “he wrote the truth” and the women also said “they are going to kill me” Then people from the department of Comcast said” you don’t if she dies” through the microphone in my cable box. The department of Comcast thought that I had escaped when I went to the beach.which made the department of Comcast got so mad that the department of Comcast drowned two teenagers at that beach. Bill O’Reilly said” if you don’t like what him and the department of Comcast are doing than call the FBI. It is Federal Law to give everyone that cast a ballot when voting that person must have a voter number to track how that person voted. When you vote you fill out a voter card then your driver license is swiped & uploaded on a computer which gives you a voter number uploaded in the computer and ballot that you cast. Democrats and Republicans know how you voted. Republicans have murdered American citizens because how they voted. The cable box and TV has a video camera built inside makes it possible to make a live video picture of you this is how the department of Comcast also a listening device in the cable box and TV for audio or sound this is how the department of Comcast can hear you also a microphone in the cable box and TV this is how the department of Comcast can talk to you. Internet is automatically standard inside the broadband cable use for every Comcast customers which makes it possible for Comcast to stream a live video feed with audio or a live video picture with audio (Skype is an example) of you watching your TV in our own house also the same for hidden spy video cameras by using WiFi is connected to high tech devices by the IP address but most of the time used for a listening device and GPS.
Note: The department of Comcast will use the video camera, listening device with a microphone, in anyone house which mostly done by random to anyone making less than a Million dollars a year. You don’t
have to use a Social Network for this to happen.

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In August 2011 I went to the police department in Mona Shores and as I am opening the door the secretary yell “the Governor is on the phone” as I am walking in, the cop said “ I will take the call in the backroom” the cops told the other cops to go with him into the backroom with him and then the secretary told me to wait. After a while the cops came out and ask whats going on then I told the cop with the other cops standing with him about how Bill O’Reilly and the department of Comcast were murdering people and making it look an accident happen or poison peoples’ food and the use of the video camera, listening device with a microphone in the cable boxes and TV with the intent to murder me because of the information I have witness. The cop said” we can’t help you, call the FBI”. The FBI and CIA is control by the Republicans and paid off to work with the department of Comcast. This is how the Republicans, department of Comcast, Billionaires, and rich people are getting away with this. I contacted the FBI and CIA on my computer by clicking report a threat button also sent a FAX explaining about the wiretaps in my house, Bug in all of my clothes, and being held hostage, and tortured. I submitted a tip to the FBI about wiretaps in my bathrooms, bedrooms, every light fixture in my house, Bug in all of my clothes and in my pillow on my bed being use to hold me hostage and torture me and ask for an investigation team to be sent over my house the only response I got is the FBI and CIA use the video camera, listening device with a microphone in my cable box and TV and I was looking on my computer for internet connections and I seen the FBI running a scan on my computer on 2–19–15. I submitted another tip to the FBI on 3–22–15. The FBI are responsible to send an investigation team when civil liberties are infringed. My local field office located in Detroit and the main field for Michigan which takes orders from Washington D.C. and in Detroit Special agent in charge Paul Abbate is in charge of my jurisdiction in Muskegon where I live and the counties that surround Muskegon. Republicans Bill O’Reilly, Governor Rick Snyder, Republicans state Representatives, Republican Senators, with other Republican Governors, all support and work with Comcast (department of Comcast) to use our National Security (wiretaps, Bugs, the video camera, listening device with a microphone in the cable box and TV, spy satellite, hidden spy video cameras) to murder thousands of people here in Michigan and across our country (USA). This information I had and will write on this letter is happening with different Republican Governors in other states. We the people have no protection against the department of Comcast, Republicans, Billionaires, rich people, from spying, kidnapping, holding hostage, torture, murdering us and entertaining rich people by the use of National Security which I will explain why later in this letter.

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Comcast provides a special cable service for rich people ( movie actors, politicians, multi Millionaires, Billionaires, and the people that work for any television broadcast company). Television broadcast company: NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, WZZM 13, Wood TV, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, just to name a few. The internet is inside the broadband cable used by all Comcast’s customers and when the cable is connected to the cable box then TV also a TV can be connected by WiFi now Comcast can stream a live video feed with audio or a live video picture with audio of YOU and being sent from your cable box to anything on TV that is live even when you change the channel. So if you are watching a live MLB game on your TV the broadcasters Rod Allen, Mario Impemba, have a listening device a headset or a earpiece with a microphone, or a listening device with a microphone clipped on his or her shirt, dress, tie, suit jacket, so Rod Allen, Mario Impemba, can hear you because of the listening device in your cable box and TV. Comcast sends a live streaming video feed with audio or a live video picture with audio of YOU from your cable box to at lease three TVs inside the broadcasters’ studio were it is being film live at and that is how Rod Allen, Impemba, can watch YOU on their TVs in the broadcasters’ studio and the audio of YOU is sent to the listening device that Rod Allen, Mario Impemba, have clipped on their suit jacket, polo shirt, tie, or wearing a headset. The same for the people working on the live MLB game that you are watching. The broadcasters can hear you, see you, and talk to you, during a live MLB game that you are watching this is meant for the rich people to be entertain a special cable service provided by Comcast can be use by any Comcast customer if Comcast decides to turn the special cable service on. The same for with News anchors during any live News, people on the Weather Channel when live, or Judge Judy when
Note: The special cable service provided by Comcast can be used just like Skype so The department of Comcast will have your boss, people at your work, friends, people you like, anyone, watch you and hear you also could
talk to you, while in your own house through the use of the video camera, listening device with a microphone in your cable box or TV

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live or and she knows about this information written, ABC World News, Fox News, Wood TV 8, Wzzm 13, ABC News, Sport Center, NFL Network, American Idol when live, The Voice when live, The Price Is Right, just to name a few, ANY on cable when Live or New and only when the special cable service is turn on by Comcast. When the special cable service is turn on, you can talk to anyone on your TV when Live or New, everyone on TV when live has a listening device earpiece in their ear or a listening device with a microphone clipped on their clothes this is to hear you, because of the listening device in your cable box and TV, and TVs in the studio that have a live video feed or a live video picture to watch you in your house, because of the video camera in your cable box and TV, a microphone to talk during a live broadcast. Rich people and Corporate America are being entertain by the special cable service provided by Comcast and is use on people in their house without their knowledge or permission. Comcast uses to entertain the rich people in their houses. Which I will explain later in this letter. This is how the special cable service would work for you. If you are watching a live NBA game and you ask something, you would be talking to the broadcasters also the people that work on the live NBA game would be the production staff, producer, director, people that help to entertain you can also watch you in your house and broadcasters can too during a live broadcast or live NBA game. So if you are watching a live NBA game on your TV and ask about the team in your division if they are won their game and the people ( production staff ) that work on the live NBA game you are watching will put the other team’s score on the TV screen for you, while watching you in your house so are the broadcasters and the broadcasters will say here is the other team’s score. If you are watching a live NASCAR race on your TV and you ask the broadcasters, production staff does 24 car has enough gas to finish the race the production will ask the pit crew then the broadcaster will tell you how much gas is left in the 24 car or the pit crew or the pit crew will tell you directly. OK now let say just you change the channel to CNN and now you are watching Wolf Blitzer on CNN you can have a conversation with Wolf Blitzer and guests during the live news as Wolf and guests is watching you in your house and the guests on Wolf Blitzer are too. Later on you change the channel to Wheel A Fortune and when live you can talk to the host and he can hear you then answer you by talking about what you said also he has a TV to watch you in your house and the guests can hear you on Wheel A Fortune, you can tell the guests on Wheel A Fortune the answer to the puzzles or help solve the puzzle. The same for Jeopardy. Ok you now change the channel to Dr. Oz Show when live you can talk to the Dr. Oz and he can hear you and answer you back by talking about what you were saying to him and the guests too. If you are watching American Idol when live on your TV you can talk to the judges and the singers on the live American Idol and if you like the way a singer was singing the song and say” that was the best singer tonight” the judges have a listening device which is a earpiece in their ear or a listening device with a microphone clipped on their shirt, dress, tie suit jacket, the same for the singers too. The judges, the people ( production staff ) that work on American Idol when live can hear what you are saying and watch you in your house. If you say “ that was the best

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singer tonight “ the judges, the singers, and the people ( production staff ) that work on American Idol and the host Ryan Seacrest can hear what you are talking about in your house and make comments or talk to you directly during American Idol when live. The judges each have have a TV with a live video picture of you inside the big table where the judges sit and the production staff has TVs with a live video picture with audio of you in the studio also in the back for the singers and the guests too. The live audio is sent to the listening device that the judges, singers, Ryan Seacrest and the guests too are wearing a microphone with a listening clipped on their clothes or earpiece in their ear. Every utility pole ( telephone pole ) is cable ready so the department of Comcast can install or connect to your satellite like, Dish, DirecTV, or any Comcast was using the special cable service on my cable boxes without my permission so I switch to DirecTV and Comcast connected their cable to my DirecTV without my permission and without DirecTV’s permission. So I am stuck with Comcast cable and Comcast is still using the special cable service on my cable boxes without my permission. Comcast can also connect to your: Charter cable, Time Warner cable, AT&T cable, any cable, the cable is reconnected with Comcast cable the two cable are connected at the utility pole. Now Comcast can control and use the special cable service without your knowledge or permission for your satellite, Dish satellite box, DirecTV satellite box, ANY satellite box, Charter cable box, Time Warner cable box, ANY cable box, also your house phone, your internet, your TV, your cable box, your satellite box, your FAX, your computer, and your Digital Antenna because WiFi can be connected to the IP address in your TV. The internet inside cable or WiFi connected to the IP address in ANY high tech device: satellite box. cable box, Fios, TV, laptop, computer, i pod, tablet, cellphone, XBOXONE, ANY high tech device. All high tech devices have a video camera, a listening device with a microphone the only high tech devices can sold in the USA also mobile high tech devices have a GPS. Now Comcast can use the special cable service on your cable box or satellite box or anything without your permission or knowledge.
Note: The CIA and FBI have the authority over all Social networks and email networks. The Republicans control the CIA and FBI so if you are sending a email or use a social network the Republicans will order the CIA and FBI to have complete control over your emails and anything you post or send on any social network and your account(s) also your information.

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Here is some of the witnesses I know: Bill Steffen, Kyle Underwood, Susan Shaw, Juliet Dragos, diane Sawyer, Janet Mason, Lee Van Ameyde, Val Lego, Michele DeSelms, Janice Allen, Jack Morris, Glen Beck, Joe buck, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Judge Judy, Nancy Grace, Bret Baier,Neil Cavuto, Bill Billick, Deion Sanders, Warren Sapp, Boomer Esiason, Chris Collinsworth, Kirk Warner, Craig James, Christian Frank, Brain Stering, Leon Hendrix, Rod Allen, Mario Impemba, Tim Skubick, Jimmy Fallon, Jay Leno, movie actor Bill Murray, x-factor Simon Cowell, American Idol Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, Ryan Seacrest, movie actor Jamie Foxx, movie actor Andrew Garfield, movie actor Chris Pine, movie actor Samuel L Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence, movie actor Kirsten Dunst, movie actor Kate Beckinsale, movie actor Chris Evans, I have more witnesses but these witnesses know that the department of Comcast uses special cable service provided by Comcast, to use on any person without their permission or knowledge with the intent to murder people in their own house, torture hold hostage, by two-way wiretaps in the light fixtures, ceiling fan or electric outlets in peoples’ houses and covert listening device in peoples’ clothes, hidden spy video cameras in peoples’ houses also to entertain rich people in their houses. If the witnesses or anyone who works for any Television Broadcast Company speaks out against or try to leak this information will be fired or will be kill and have no choice but to keep silent. The department of Comcast has turn on the special cable service on all of my cable boxes since May 2011 without my permission and still to this day. These are some of the witnesses I had wrote on this page and had witnessed the department of Comcast holding me hostage and torture me by the use of the video camera, listening device with a microphone in the cable boxes and TVs also the two-way wiretaps in every light fixture in my house and cars, trucks, covert listening device ( Bug ) in all of my clothes, my pillow on my bed, my underwear too, also hidden spy video cameras in my house. The people from the department of Comcast use the two-way wiretaps in my house and the microphone in the cable box and TV, and the witnesses and rich people use the covert listening device ( Bug ) in my clothes to listen to me but can’t hear the people from  department of Comcast physiologically torture me through the two-way wiretaps in my house and microphone in my cable box, TV. It started for at lease a year that way then the witnesses and rich people with the department of Comcast use the two-way wiretaps in any room in my house or car and covert listening device in my clothes to listen to me being physiologically and being held hostage by the department of Comcast even when I am in my car too or taking a bath or trying to sleep for the night on my bed, 24/7 or non stop, The witnesses and rich people were using the special cable service turn on by the department of Comcast most of the time. The witnesses and rich people with the department of Comcast use the hidden spy video cameras in my house to watch me ( wiretaps, bug, for audio ) while the people from department of Comcast uses to hold me hostage and physiologically torture me. This is all done without my permission.
Note: As I am writing this I hear the people from the department of Comcast talking about what I am writing asking is that true to each other the department of Comcast can see my computer screen and read what I am doing like it was their computer. While I am sitting on my couch in front of the TV in my living room being held hostage and physiologically torture also The department of Comcast is telling people that they can’t let them talk to to me which are the people that work on for any cable channel that my cable boxes is on also rich people using the special cable service.

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I have written my eyewitness account before and about how the people from the department of Comcast is talking through the two-way wiretaps in my house, cars, trucks, and Bug in my clothes to me also the microphone in my cable box and TV. I scan my eyewitness account to my computer and say all of the time “stop talking to me” while the department of Comcast people were talking through the two-way wiretap in my house and Bug in my clothes to me. The people from the department of Comcast knows and doesn’t care and continues to physiologically torture me while holding me hostage. The special cable service provided by Comcast also has movie actors use their own microphone to read their live script ( their part ) during ANY movie on cable or DVD. Movie actors use the video camera in your cable box and TV to watch you in your house and the listening device in your cable box and TV to listen to you being entertain while watching their movie on cable or DVD. Includes cartoons for your kids too. Movie actors are being paid by Comcast and movie actors try to save peoples’s lives knowing that the special cable service is use with the intent to murder people and some movie actors tried to save me, other movie actors kidnap, murder people and one of Hollywood’s biggest secret. The department of Comcast can put hidden spy video cameras in your bathroom, bedroom, any where in your house and two-way wiretaps to talk to you, hear you, while watching you in your house and Bug in your clothes for listening to you, talking to you, also use by movie actors, rich people or ANYONE that Comcast decides.
note: Rich people use the special cable service and ask the department of Comcast to let them have me ( take ownership of me ) some rich people tried to save me other rich people use the special cable service to, kidnap, murder, people or other bad intentions.

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Comcast provides a special cable service for rich people their own television network thats sends a live streaming video feed with audio of you from your cable box while you are watching TV or hidden spy video cameras in your house ( wiretaps, Bug, for audio or talk to you ). Video camera, listening device with a microphone in your cable box and TV also internet in cable and WiFi makes it possible to stream a live video feed with audio of you in your house that Comcast sends from your cable box and TV or hidden spy video cameras in your house ( bathroom, bedroom ) to rich people so rich people can see you, hear you, on their TV screen as picture-in-picture ( a live video picture with audio of you ). Rich people are setting back in their house watching a live MLB game or live NFL game or Dancing with the Stars or anything on cable TV doesn’t have to be live because you are the live entertainment. Most of the time use when live and if the rich person or people like you or don’t like you, they can continue to watch you and can have bad intentions. This is an extra feature for rich people’s ON DEMAND. Rich people use the special cable service and the extra feature on their ON DEMAND this is another way rich people are being entertain in their house and will kidnap, take ownership, murder people, or other bad intentions. Billionaires own all Television Broadcast Companies which includes the News Media and all Television Broadcast Companies includes the News Media work for the Billionaires that own Television Broadcast Companies. Most Billionaires that own Television Broadcast Companies favor the Republican Party so the News Media works to favor the Republicans because of the Billionaires own all Television Broadcast Companies which is also the News Media.
note: The NSA knows that the department of Comcast uses the video camera, listening device with a microphone in the cable boxes and TV also wiretaps in American people houses, covert listening device ( Bug) in peoples’ clothes, spy satellite, video camera, listening device with a microphone in all high tech device with a GPS, which is our National Security is being use to hold people hostage in their houses, to torture people, and murder thousands of America citizens in their houses by the department of Comcast and the special cable service also use to entertain rich people. A main person from the department of Comcast said “are you happy you better hope this doesn’t get out” through the microphone in my cable box because I had been talking out loud about being hold hostage and torture. Then later I was watching the News Edward Snowden work for the NSA and had top authorization permitting access to classified information and how the department of Comcast was using the special cable service on me through my cable boxes, TVs, and Edward Snowden tried to leak this information but they got to Edward Snowden before he could leak this out to the public . The main person from the department of Comcast, she was talking through the microphone in my cable box flipping saying “ if this information gets out we’ll kill you” and said” watch him ( me) saying that to the people working for the department of Comcast who are also holding me hostage, physiologically torture me and the main person from the department said "make sure that he keeps his ( me ) mouth shut "..

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The department of Comcast poison my food that was in my house and the poison almost kill me back in October 2011. We have a TV with a cable box in my dinning room and the people from Comcast would say speaking through the microphone in the cable box while watching me through video camera, every time I was sitting at my table in the dinning room to eat “is that food going to kill him” also say “ let me know if he ( me ) eat that food”. Fear of being poison again I didn’t eat for over two weeks and almost die. The department of Comcast kept on saying things like that for over a year. My day starts out as I wake up on my bed and the first thing I hear is the people from the department of Comcast are speaking through the two-way wiretap in my bedroom light fixture saying “ is he (me) awake “ than I get up and go to the bathroom and I can hear the people from the department of Comcast are speaking through the two-way wiretap in my bathroom light fixture saying “ is he (me) going to the bathroom yeah I can hear him” after I am done going to the bathroom I walk back in my bedroom to get dress and I can hear the people from the department of Comcast of Comcast are speaking through the wiretap in my bedroom again saying “ he (me) is getting dress, yeah i can see him, ok” after I get dress I walk into the hallway and I can hear the people from the department of Comcast speaking through the two-way wiretap in my hallway saying “ he (me) walking toward the kitchen now I have walked into my kitchen and I can hear the people from from the department of Comcast speaking through the microphone in my cable box that is in my dinning room saying “ what is he doing , can you see him (me) what is he (me) saying” while watching me through the video camera in my cable box and using the listening device in my cable box . Now I am walking into my living room to set down on my couch which have a covert listening device (Bug) in my couch and I can hear the people from the department of Comcast speaking through the microphone in my cable box saying “is he watching TV ? yah he (me) is , no I can’t let you talk to him (me) “ the people from the department of Comcast are talking to someone using the special cable service while watching me through the video camera in my cable box as I am watching my TV. If my Tv is loud the people from the department of Comcast can’t hear me and will use the covert listening device (Bug) in my clothes that I am wearing now I am walking back to the kitchen and I can hear the people from the department of Comcast are speaking through the microphone in my cable box in my dinning room saying “ watch him ( me ) , I will “ . Now I am outside and the people from the department of Comcast are speaking through the covert listening device (Bug) in my clothes to make sure that I don’t escape and use the spy satellite. When I go for a ride in one of our cars or trucks the people from the department of Comcast speaking through the two-way wiretap in the vent or dash in my car and truck too saying “ is he there (me) “. The people from the department of Comcast are speaking through the two-way wiretap in my bathroom's light fixture as I am taking a bath also the people from the department of Comcast made comments about my body ( hidden spy video camera). The department of Comcast had the FBI installed a covert listening device (Bug) in my pillow on my bed to listen to me sleep and while I am laying on my bed I can hear the people from the department of Comcast speaking through the microphone in my TV that isn’t hook up to anything but my DVD player as I am watching a DVD movie and trying to go to sleep also a two-way wiretap in my bedroom light fixture and Bug in my pillow on my bed to make sure that I don't escape and the people from the department of Comcast know when I wake up and if I wake in the middle of the night I can hear the people from the department of Comcast speaking through the microphone in my TV that is about 20 feet away from my bed saying all through the night “ is he(me) awake, and what is he (me) doing “ also I can hear rich people wanted to talk to me while using the hidden spy camera, two-way wire taps, bug, while using the special cable service. When I wake up the people from the department of Comcast uses the hidden spy video camera to watch me laying on my bed while I am watching TV because I put a towel over the video camera in my TV
and have made comments about my body when I am getting my clothes on. 

Ryan Murdzia 8–3–2015 page 11 of 12
My Eyewitness Account
The people from the department of Comcast are holding me hostage and physiologically torture me 24/7 or non-stop everyday and threaten to murder me. It has been this way everyday, hour, minute, of every day non-stop physiologically torture me by talking through the two-way wiretaps in every light fixture in every room in my house also talking through the covert listening device (Bug) in my clothes every time I leave the house by talking non-stop through the bug in my clothes ensures the people from the department of Comcast that I have not escape because I will say things like “ stop talking to me and let me go you murdering pieces of ****” while I am in my house and every time I leave my house the people from the department of Comcast are always talking non-stop through the two-way wiretaps in my house and the microphone in my cable boxes. I can hear the people from the department of Comcast talking to people on the special cable service through the microphone in my cable boxes and two-way wiretaps in my house non-stop 24/7. Every time I would leave my house the department of Comcast will have their company and other service, cars, vans, trucks, park at the place where I am at also when I leave that place the department of Comcast will have their Company and other commercial , car, van, truck, park off the road including people that don’t work for Comcast will make people that happen to be driving on the same road as me have a visual on me. The department of Comcast will use the GPS on my car and use peoples’ GPS on peoples’ cellphone to call the people that happen to be driving down the same road as me and ask if they see my car and describe me and where I am sitting so random people are scared into helping out the department of Comcast to hold me hostage by having a visual on me also the same for any place I go including places employees and their security team and security surveillance video cameras like: Wal-Mart, Meijer, Plumb’s, our court house in Muskegon, any place with security surveillance video cameras or their security team or both also the department of Comcast can control security surveillance video cameras or traffic video cameras. Even the State Police and the Police help by parking at the place I am at and park off to the side of the road to see me and my car I am in to report back to the department of Comcast that the Police and the State Police have a visual on me (can see me and the car I am in). The people from the department of Comcast has tried to poison my food at, Arby’s, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, Wendy’s, KFC, by having a person drop off the poison to the place where I am and have a person prepare the food with the poison so when I pick up my order at that place and eat the food with poison inside would kill me not having any knowledge of poison in the food I am about to eat.
Television (TV) Broadcast Companies are only in California and branch out to the other states as a television networks then television networks affiliates, ABC here is Wzzm 13 or NBC is Wood TV 8 NBC is here in Michigan. Billionaires own and control their Television Broadcast Companies and their television networks and their affiliates and this includes the News Media. Billionaires pay Republicans for more control, agenda, and in return Republicans let the Billionaires to do whatever they want also Billionaires order their television broadcast companies which is the News Media to favor the Republicans. Comcast is a multi billion dollar company that own Universal Studios, Xfinity, NBC, and their television networks and television networks affiliates, Universal Station of America, Sci-Fi, MSNBC, and Comcast is located in California. NBC is own by Comcast and Comcast favor the Republicans through NBC and their television networks in return Comcast provides a special cable service for rich people to be entertain by interacting with the Broadcasters, production staff, any person when live on cable TV and the department of Comcast uses the special cable service on any person without their knowledge or permission with the intent to, hold people hostage in their house, torture people in their house, and murder thousands of people also in peoples’ houses too. Rich people know that and watch those people to be entertain by the special cable service provided by Comcast and talk to those people through the microphone in rich peoples’ cable box to the those peoples’ microphone in their cable box and two-way wiretaps in those peoples’ houses and Bug in those peoples’ clothes like me. Comcast takes it a step further by using the special cable service to help Republicans with their political agenda, by scaring people in their houses, holding people hostage in their houses while using torture, and murdering people because how they voted, your views, political beliefs, your opinion, the list go on and on. Also the use of two-way wiretaps in people’s houses, covert listening devices (Bug) in peoples’ houses, hidden spy video camera in peoples’ houses, and a spy satellite. That is the reason Comcast has their department also to entertain rich people and will kill anyone who knows this information, people they don’t like, people don’t approve of, poor people, anyone.

Ryan Murdzia8–4–2015 page 12 of 12
My Eyewitness Account 
The department of Comcast with Republicans decides who lives or who can be murder, held hostage, tortured, kidnaped, and everyone is at their mercy and the Republicans won’t protect you. The FBI and CIA knows and not allow protect you until this information is made public, the police knows and not allow to protect, the News Media- television broadcast companies knows this information and not allow to protect you. The FBI,CIA, Police, State Police, anyone that works for TV Broadcast Companies or people on TV like the witnesses I wrote all people like that, television broadcast companies which includes the News Media, have NO CHOICE to keep silent otherwise they will be fired or will be kill if they speak out by the Republicans, Billionaires, the department of Comcast, and can’t do anything about it because the FBI and CIA are control by the Republicans regardless which party is in power, the same for the all police, anyone that works for or on any television broadcast company, like the witnesses I wrote, production staffs, anyone, which includes the News Media that are owned and control by Billionaires and Billionaires order their television broadcast companies which includes the News Media to work for the Republicans’ political agenda. The Democrats knows this information and if the Democrats try to expose the this information that I am writing to the News Media will be order by the Billionaires to turn on the Democrats and make them the bad guys to put it nicely. Governor Rick Snyder, Republican state representatives across the country, Republican senators across the country, other Republican governors across the country, The Republicans, Billionaires, Comcast and the department of Comcast, are making sure that no person founds out this information that I had witness and wrote in this letter also other people are told to ware, yellow or red, clothes and were threaten to be murder if they said anything.Billionaires,

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