how to retreive hotmail password when one cannot remember the answers to all the questions...i have many photos in my hotmail account that i need to retreive..i have failed the validation process twice. i do not have an xbox live account and not sure
about some of the answers relating to state and post code as my daughter set up the account a few years ago.
i have tried to use the security code option but as my daughter set up the account i do not know what phone number she used and she doesnt remember either. i have put my mobile phone number in but did not receive the code. i have also tried sending the password
reset to the email addresses attached to the account but dont know whose they are as my daughter set up the account and she doesnt remember either or they dont exist anymore.
the photos and contacts are the most important to me...if you could please just
i am using my computer technicians account to contact you as i cannot sign into my own email..they are from format c computers and are friends of my daughter. you can send any information to her as she is still helping me, her name is janine howe.
this is very important.
doreen merrick
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
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