02. March 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Windows live not showing email message content, email shows online and on my phone, but not in WLM 2012

Version 2012 (Build 16.4.3528.0331)
Copyright © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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I have been using Outlook 2011 for Mac for several years to pull in feeds from my personal Yahoo account. Today, I added 3 different Exchange accounts for my business so I could have all emails in one place. When I launch Outlook, my Yahoo account and 3 Exchange emails appear as folders under the "Inbox". BUT, when I hit the "Send/Receive" button, the only account that is shown in the Yahoo email account. I cannot see the exchange folders. 

Now, if instead of hitting the "Send/Receive" button, I open the drop down on the button and click on each individual Exchange account, then they stay visible!! 

I'm using a Mac with OS X 10.10.1 so I'm guessing there's some type of development bug that's not been addressed yet, but I'm really, really frustrated that I cannot see all the folders in my "Inbox".

Can anyone help me on this? Much appreciated............

I apologize for any redundancy, but I've been searching the forum for a long time, and the info I found seems to apply to all kinds of different scenarios, but none with the same parameters as mine.  So I'm posting my request for help for my specific situation.

The issue concerns Windows Live Mail on my desktop. (ISP is Earthlink, in case relevant)  WLM has been working just fine.  My husband, who is not computer savvy, was working on the computer earlier today.  The WLM program was open but was minimized. He was looking at various websites on Chrome.  When he was on my desktop after closing a site, a message window popped up saying something about 'unused disk space being recovered'.  It seemed to occur automatically, i.e. he didn't activate it because he's afraid to do anything he doesn't know about.  So he got off the computer at that point.  A bit later, he opened WLM to check emails, and ALL (I mean, EVERY SINGLE ONE) of the messages that had been in the folders of our 4 accounts were GONE!  All folders were still there, but they were all empty. It shows "there are no items in this view."  However, my views are set for "all messages", and I hadn't changed any settings.  I'm trying to figure out what happened, but I'm MAINLY trying to find where all of those emails went.  I know that he could not have deleted the emails, because it would have meant deliberately deleting messages from multiple folders for 4 accounts.  All of the folders are still intact and now have newer emails downloaded in them.  Any suggestions as to what might have happened?.  At this point, I'm hoping that the messages weren't DELETED by the program, but were moved to some other storage location in conjunction with the "unused disk space recovery" activity, and still exist somewhere for restoring to the active folders. 

Other issues::  My email was hacked a few weeks ago, but I changed my password prior to the disappearance of these emails, so I think this shouldn't be related to that.  Also, I wondered if I might have gone over a message limit maximum, but even so, I can't believe that would wipe out all messages in all accounts across the board.

Thanks for any feedback or suggestions that you BRILLIANT experienced users can provide!

10. January 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Your tutorials on the internet are hopeless because they tell me to click on certain links that do not exist in my version.  2012 Build 16.4.3528.0331
I have laboriously edited a 3 hour movie, carefully.  I saved the project.  

Then when I try to save the movie it starts rejecting sections of the project saying the segment  is corrupt.  AND, all the editing I have done on those sections seems to have disappeared.  It seems I have saved the project which DOES NOT save my editing!?

BUT I had previously saved the unedited video as a movie in Movie maker and all sections were accepted!!!  

How do I find out how to handle this?  I try the tutorials BUT they must be for an earlier version!!!!!!!!!!  

This is hopeless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The feedback form does not expect me to have Build 2012!  What is going on!  

Its 2015 and your tutorial help material is for 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have literally spent 50 hours on this project and I am afraid it will all be lost.  

I feel like buying a Mac!!!!   

10. January 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Original Title: movie maker 2012

Your tutorials on the internet are hopeless because they tell me to click on certain links that do not exist in my version.  2012 Build 16.4.3528.0331
I have laboriously edited a 3 hour movie, carefully.  I saved the project.  

Then when I try to save the movie it starts rejecting sections of the project saying the segment  is corrupt.  AND, all the editing I have done on those sections seems to have disappeared.  It seems I have saved the project which DOES NOT save my editing!?

BUT I had previously saved the unedited video as a movie in Movie maker and all sections were accepted!!!  

How do I find out how to handle this?  I try the tutorials BUT they must be for an earlier version!!!!!!!!!!  

This is hopeless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The feedback form does not expect me to have Build 2012!  What is going on!  

Its 2015 and your tutorial help material is for 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have literally spent 50 hours on this project and I am afraid it will all be lost.  

I feel like buying a Mac!!!!   

27. November 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Ok, so I was trying to run a file to open twitch feed ex-browser (it's quite nice,) but his error popped up.

I know it looks like I have haphazardly put a : in the code where there shouldn't be, but I have checked.

I'll place the code below, there may be other errors, (I have not been able to run it to troubleshoot), and the code is below.

@echo off
color 0a
echo Intitializing......
echo Done loading! (0.0026s) To continue,
cd C:UsersHarryDesktopEverything
GOTO Startup

SET /P Answer=Do you want to watch your favorite twitch users?(1) Or enter a custom user?(2) Or add a user to your favorites(3)
if "%Answer%" == "1" (
GOTO Favorite
) else (
if "%Answer%" == "2" (
GOTO Questions
) else (
if "%Answer%" == "3" (
GOTO AddUser
) else (
echo *facepalm*
GOTO Startup

SET /P User=Who do you want? (Enter twitch user you want to watch): 
SET /P Quality=What quality do you want? (low/medium/high/source(highest)/audio/mobile(lowest))
SET /P Verify=So you want to watch %User% at %Quality% quality? (yes/no): 
if "%Verify%" == "yes" (
GOTO Stream
) else (
if "%Verify%" == "Yes" (
GOTO Stream
) else (
if "%Verify%" == "no" (
GOTO Questions
) else (
if "%Verify%" == "No" (
GOTO Questions
) else (
echo *facepalm*
GOTO Questions

livestreamer twitch.tv/%User% %Quality%
GOTO Questions

if exist {save1.txt} (
set check = 4
) else (
set numb=0
GOTO AddUser1

set person%numb% = ""
SET /P User=Please enter the user: (Enter twitch user you want to add):
%User% = %person%%numb%
set check = 1

if exist {save1.txt} (
set check = 3
) else (
set numb=0
set check = 2



echo %numb% > save1.txt
echo %person%numb%% > save.txt

if "%check%" = 4 (
GOTO Startup
) else (
if "%check%" = 3 (
GOTO Favorite1

< save1.txt (
SET /P numb=
< save.txt (
SET /P person1=
SET /P person2=
SET /P person3=
SET /P person4=
SET /P person5=
SET /P person6=
SET /P person7=
SET /P person8=
SET /P person9=
SET /P person1=
SET /P person10=
SET /P person11=
SET /P person12=
SET /P person13=
SET /P person14=
SET /P person15=

del save1.txt
if "%check%" = 1 (
GOTO AddUser1
) else (
if "%check%" = 2 (
GOTO Favorite2

 I can delete mail and feeds from wlm but they remains on my laptop presumably on the hard drive how do I find and delete unwanted e mails  feeds and empty folders permanently from my laptop
31. October 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Original title: Windows Live Mail doesn't load

Is there problems with Windows Live Mail? I was unable to connect to the server from my desktop starting 10/29.  Based on the forum it looks like there were issues with other MS products.  I have no issues with the account as i am getting emails on the smartphone and can sign in via Outlook.com and get the emails, but my configuration is set for Windows Live Mail.  

The server error msg for receiving or sending is this > 

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80048820

I just received the MSN feeds within the account, so it's working.  The last time this issue came up, i installed one of the latest updates and i was able to get into the account via the desktop.  Several updates have been installed, but as of now nothing has changed.

Related to: How to post a question on Microsoft Community

Really ticked off - I am getting nowhere  and cannot sort an issue out -

I have  Windows Live mail   I have a couple of Gmail accounts one of which works (or appears to work fine in Live mail the other I continually get the above error code.

I can access my Gmail from the web browser so no issues there but I cannot do anything in live mail - it simply keeps rejecting my login

WEBALERT https://accounts.google.com/ContinueSignIn?sarp=1&scc=1&plt=AKgnsbuEiLk3peLwxEp-YdxjAn6Ov7LEKmkw9faPgysRorwr9nl0VGeB5H6GHggruWknmQHuogN9Ai66l-VfJgdINKEQQT_U1TfbYfvIm2JRHDKWdR3f4irQqEZdfwmpPsK-16H8pF84AvPw-ftl-WFJM-Va7dOXgbryCpMpYRotWB_RBLjJbzTPRWyji4aGECkXtJNI2_Y65knmFppDuhy1L3Ci6meIfA] Web login required.

   Account: Gmail (rouallem1)
   Server: imap.gmail.com
   Username: rouallem1
   Protocol: IMAP
   Port: 993
   Secure(SSL): 1
   Code: 800cccd1

I have deleted the account from my Live mail a couple of times trying various fixes. but nothing appears to work  I also get an invalid password on my Samsung  GT -C3530 

I have had this issue for about 6 months and have always been able to fix it by removing and re-adding my msn account but now this fix has stopped working and I am continuing to see the following message:

Unable to send or receive messages for the Msn (cazd24) account.

Server Error: 0x800488EB
Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800488EB

Can someone in lay-mans terms advise me what will be the best way to fix this.  i have read other feeds and I could not identify a genuine fix brought forward by a person from Windows.  As it has been affecting so many has Window put in place a genuine fix please?  i am on Windows XP

