I've used WLM for some years and recently when sending to contacts on a mailing list of 87 people, I receive this error.  The message goes into the outbox and stays there.  I've sent to many more recipients in the past without problems.  I would use WLM 2012 but that too has issues with keeping contacts in category lists, thus I'm using WLM 2011.


Can anyone tell me why this is suddenly happening and how to resolve it?  I've tried suggestions I have found on the net such as:

unchecking 'My server requires authentication'

going into setting and checking 'log on using'


but other errors present themselves.




[Moved from feedback]



There has been a new user of hotmail.co.uk been given the same email address as myself.


I'm obviously very concerned as a lot of my personal information is in there.


Can somebody point me in the right direction of somebody to talk to or have any other suggestions?


Many thanks

Moved from feedback

My computer was hacked about 2 months ago and they also hacked into my Hotmail account and my Facebook account. I have tried to recover my Hotmail account many times but the automated system says there is not enough info to verify that's its me. The questioner I fill out asks me to remember the heading of the last 3 emails I've sent and the last 3 email address I've sent emails to and the problem is that I get emails from family, friends and my derby league but I don't send any emails. I read them and delete them (or keep them if they are important) and then I talk to everyone on Facebook. I don't know anyone's email addresses off by heart. And now with my Hotmail hacked I cant communicate with most of my friends and my derby league. I took my computer in and its all fixed and protected but I still cant get into my Hotmail account. I'm at a loss here and I feel like there is not one real person out there that can help me. All I keep getting is automated stuff. Is there any one I can talk to or anyone I can send a letter to the verify that its me. I've had that email address for years and it has a lot of contacts on it and with it gone I feel a little lost. Pleas someone help!!

Moved from feedback

Background of the case:


On the 5th of October 2013 someone committed inter alia identity fraud  and tried to pass themselves off as me by sending an email to lots of people using the from address of my Hotmail account.  The email was cc'd to me and multiple people and showed up in my junk account.   While trying to check out the evidence I marked it as a phishing scam.  Unfortunately this disappeared the evidence from the junk mail folder and my outlook account without any warning.


I need a copy of this email and the associated ip address of the person who sent it and have tried multiple routes to get access to the mail. Microsoft security on twitter referred me to Microsoft helps on twitter who referred me here. It has already been taken up with the likes of action fraud uk and an open crime number exists in the uk, and we have tried contacting the outlook.com team via their feedback form with no success and we have also gone through the Microsoft security support site.


This isn't the first time this type of e-mail has happened and the from email and body wasn't chosen at random. It was deliberate and targeted and the financial implications and repercussions are potentially severe which is why we want to bring the perpetrators to justice.




Q1: Does anyone know who's in charge of outlook.com and the email servers at Microsoft's end?


Q2: Does anyone have a contact phone, email address or physical address of whoever is responsible for auctioning this type of data access request?


Q3: Does anyone know what legal jurisdiction "outlook.com" are operating in? (or think they are operating under regarding people looking after servers, their chain of command regarding responsibility inter alia) i.e. which state or country their offices are in.


Note: I would like to resolve this without having to travel to Seattle or Reading , UK in person (or any other countries - Microsoft offices) to file on people in person with court orders for that legal jurisdiction.  If we have to go that far we will treat outlook.com as aiding and abetting the perpetrators of the crime for all future engagements on the political scene.


On a side note: If anyone knows anyone on the outook.com development team who can make changes to outlook.com front end to handle this type of thing (put the change requests through) it would be helpful as getting hold of this type of information should be instant rather then long winded and political.  The e-mail didn't seem to fit into the "my friend has been hacked" category and I knew it wasn't  phishing however the warnings on outlook threw me regarding checking if outlook mail is safe.  I need access to all the mime headers and anything else that can help identify the sender notwithstanding getting access to this type of information should take place in 30 seconds not weeks.


This has gone international, but the perpetrators and probably UK based (maybe) and I am UK as well. However we need that e-mail back quickly and with the minimum expense involved.


p.s. we just checked that the whois lookup information for outlook.com just shows mark monitor (Thomson routers) as protecting the outlook brand. We would like to know who to speak to at outlook which we understand to be Microsoft? (And if necessary) who we are going to have to file against to get access to the required information - if we are forced to go that far.  It would be nice to do this without any stress. 


Thanks for your time and any help you can give in answering the above questions in the body of this post. Please indicate if you know for sure.

I often get a message after sending an email, and i'm not sure that it went out or not.

"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.


This IMAP command could not be sent to the server before the connection was terminated.

Server: imap.gmail.com

Protocol: IMAP

Port 993

Secure (SSL):1


I don't think that it is due to long periods of inactivity, and I don't seem to have any other server or network problems. It pops up quite often.

Windows 7,



[Moved from feedback]

I have been working on this file for a while now and have never had any problems opening it to have it edited. The last time it was edited was 10/19/2013 but on 10/20/2013 I tried to edit it and an error popped up saying that the file cannot be opened for editing. I have tried to edit it repeatedly but it still won't work. I have no idea on what to do or how to fix it. When I go to documents and click on the file it loads on the web app and I am able to view it but when I pick the editing option it will not open. I do not have the full version of Microsoft word only the app so I only choose the option to "edit in word web app" I have only edited it once on the full version but it was from another computer. Can someone please help?


[Moved from feedback]

How can I use a QR code to share a folder or a file with an individual. I want to control access to audio files so I can provide audio feedback to individual members of my team without the other team members being able to listen another persons.  thanks

I was communicating with considerate-guy but have not had feed back, for the past 10 hrs.

I have compiled a 1hr 30min movie with title,captions,transitions,music.  Everything is clear and

ok  (readable) in the making process But when checking on full screen playback, into the movie a

 photo has what I could only describe as a mirage heat haze about it.   I stop play, close down and

access document working folder to start up a couple of photos before the problem, then away we

go until it repeats the same problem again.  Finally I think everything is OK so I save,encode,burn and play

which is quite time consuming about 3 hrs all up.

When dvd is played the first 10-20 frames look like they have been laid over the top of themselves,

creating a double vision effect and then it settles down and plays normal vision and readable


Please, Please can someone help me sort this problem out.

Larraine Madden

I have tried many of your suggestions to reclaim my lost contacts.  Nothing has worked.  When I go to 'people' - 'options', the only options available are 'help' and 'feedback.'  Is Microsoft trying to fix this problem with lost contacts?  If not, I will have to change email systems.
AT&T is changing my DSL service and suddenly I have no more folders in Windows Live Mail.  I have all of my messages, etc., but no folders and I don't see any way to get them back.  In the View options there is a little red square at Folders but this doesn't do anything.   As shown on the screen shot, Feeds (which I never use) display on the left but none of my many folders.  Can anyone help please?