19. May 2018 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

After installing the latest W10 update, my Windows Live Mail is unuseable.  All the screens are distorted.  The list of emails is not truncated to fit the screen, instead it wraps around on the perimeter of the window displayed sideways.  The same is true of the calendar (in calendar view) and the list of folders and the list of additonal feeds (i.e. contact, news, etc).  All the panes wrap the content around the edges of the pane!  I've had to go to an alternate email client. 

Anyone having a solution, please contact me at:

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***  or

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

08. February 2018 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Hi there, I need to do a very important project with movie maker (I have no other way of doing movies ^^'), and for that I need to overlap some already existing subtitles on a video, and I would need the "change background color", which is greyed out. I have looked at a feed that has been posted 5 years ago (2012), which has not really helped as all the links that led to information were blocked because Windows Essentials isn't part of Windows anymore.

I use Windows 10, have downloaded the 2016 version today ( https://www.windows-movie-maker.org/fr/ is the page where I got it) and I have a NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 950M graphics card. Could someone tell me what is wrong please???

Thank you in advance for your answer,


04. December 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
I cannot view images embedded in an email I've received. All I can see is a large empty square where the picture/image should be, and a broken page thumbnail in the upper left hand corner.   I forwarded the email to my gmail account and all the images appear fine. No issues there. I've tried all the settings in the options menu, but cannot figure out what is causing the problem.  I've never had an issue with this particular mailing list in the past. It's just this current one I've received. Could it be how the images are embedded? -Thanks for any feedback!

Moved from: Outlook.com / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email
18. November 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I have looked on the forums etc. but not found the answer.

I can Export from Livemail on one pc to its desktop then to a usb stick. This has folders named BTinternet 7a, BTinternet e3, Outbox, Storage folders and Your feeds. All folders. I haven't got a pst file. I can then copy these folders onto the new pc's desktop. The new pc has Outlook 2016. It doesn't have Livemail.

So how do I get the emails from the folders to Outlook?

18. November 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I have looked on the forums etc. but not found the answer.

I can Export from Livemail on one pc to its desktop then to a usb stick. This has folders named BTinternet 7a, BTinternet e3, Outbox, Storage folders and Your feeds. All folders. I haven't got a pst file. I can then copy these folders onto the new pc's desktop. The new pc has Outlook 2016. It doesn't have Livemail.

So how do I get the emails from the folders to Outlook?

27. July 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Sorry I am just a old lady that only knows the basis stuff for computer so how do I save my private messages before this switch thing??? Thank you would like some feed back about it please Jo
28. April 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Split from this thread.

I’m having the same problem but in Windows 10.

Cannot find Feeds under Options. Please advise how I switch this off.

**This post was split from this thread by the moderator.**

21. April 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized
Split from this thread.

With your helps, I have now successfully up-graded to Windows (Live) Essentials 2012, and Live Mail 2012 is running fine in my PC now.

You're welcome & thanks for your feedback. Marking one or more of our previous posts as ANSWER will officially close your thread (if you care about such things).

Ali Ali, and PA bear,

I need help in this regard again,

Things went fine for a while (except I was getting 2 copies in the Sent Item for every email sent.

And about a month ago I started to get error messages while trying to check or sent mails. Something likes the one below, and others:

"An unknown error has occurred.

Server: 'smtp-mail.outlook.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8007007A
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 587
Secure(SSL): Yes "

Please let me know if this problem can be fixed; and if you need more info to fix the problem.

Thankyou for your time and your help in advance.



***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

22. February 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

I had my Skpye account hacked and as a result my primary hotmail account has been blocked. I have submitted numerous proof of ownership forms and they get bounced within 5 minutes with valid information. I have set up a new account in order to do this and to escalate.

All my personal and business correspondance is contained in the account and there is no support or feedback about where amongst the many questions I've gone wrong and how I should escalate

Can anyone help?. 

27. December 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

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