SERVICE REQUEST # (122618771) All of my business and personal contacts for the past 12 years have been erased . I did not log into my Hotmail yesterday when I went to xbox live account support to change a non existing email from my xbox live id this is what happened.
When I went to add my Hotmail as an alias or secondary account, It was already the security info email back up for the account. A message appeared and said my Hotmail was already being used for another xbox live account. When I went to punch in my Hotmail as the Alias for my Xbox live account it erased my Hotmail account....
I called support and they sent me a SERVICE REQUEST # (122618771) AND SENT ME HEAR TO THE FORUM. My contacts and business cards and videos I have up with the NFL have my Hotmail as my contact. I am contacting my lawyer to see what can be done about my personal losses from using an Xbox live account that I pay for and Xbox I paid over 500$ for. So my business address of 12 years can be erased without permission or me even being logged into it. The PC was not logged into my Hotmail or the xbox live account associated with it. I have been taken advantage of and my life has been negatively affected , as well as my family and future. All from paying for an xbox and the live service for my family entertainment and enjoyment . I'm sure this is not legal, much less logical or ethical. I have taught Kung Fu for 17 years to CEO's Celebrities and NFL athletes and all of their contacts are in my Hotmail and phone. They're phone numbers from time to time, film location to location , they're emails do not.
I have never had any conflict of this kind with my play station account or software. Which serves the same purpose, this system that Microsoft is using and the negligence demonstrated make it inferior in everyway , much less a invasion of personal privacy and freedom. Microsoft has crossed the line on my privacy and rights as a United States citizen. As well as extorting money from me to participate in such. While Sony has a system that does not violate my rights, erase my addresses log into my accounts and accomplishes what Microsoft has poorly attempted. To cause countless hours of my time to deal with this. My Facebook log in is my Hotmail for goodness sake, this is a huge impact on my life and others destroying my social media and personal business information.
SERVICE REQUEST # (122618771)
My Hotmail account was attached to a separate account for xbox live already!! That is why I did not use it as a primary for the email that is non existing. It has been removed and replaced with a primary gmail account that I typed into the only xbox live account I could get into. I could not get into my xbox live account attached to my Hotmail since I had lost the password. So I do not know how my xbox live account attached to my Hotmail was opened , altered , and filled with information from my other xbox live account . The technical support worker Dave spent an hour and a half on the phone with me last night and he and all his coworkers and supervisors had never seen this before.
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