I have several programs that have been unable to sync through the Internet or Wi-Fi. It first came up when CompanionLink, which syncs my Outlook calendar and contacts with DejaOffice on my Android phone, kept failing to connect through Wi-Fi, although
I was able to sync it with a direct USB connection (a nuisance, though) . Then I noticed the message on Windows Live Mail that "There was an error when attempting to connect to the Windows Live Calendar service". This seemed strange since I use Live Mail
for email, but Outlook for my calendar, and as far as I know I don't have any WLM calendar service. I then found that when I try to download from bank accounts to Quicken, I get a message that Quicken is unable to connect to the Internet, and if I try to
go into the help files on Quicken, Windows Live Mail or Outlook, i also get messages that suggest the computer is offline. This is the case even though I am able to access the Internet through my browser (Google Chrome) with no problem. This is becoming
a serious problem, as it is impacting much of what I use my computer for, and any help in resolving it would be appreciated. Thank you.
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