After several failed attempts over several days, it ONCE finally showed my Hotmail contacts on my Skype (before that I first logged on with my Hotmail on Skype then the Skype address, and only the Skype contacts would show). The contacts from both services
showed after this.
This was a one-time experience, and after that it stopped syncing properly and it returned to its previous state, with only my Skype contacts showing on my Skype account. However, this time, almost all of my Hotmail contacts had also been deleted when
I tried logging on using the Windows Live Messenger and
My ONLY contacts still left on my Hotmail account are people who have a account rather than Hotmail. Anyone using a different provider has been removed from my contacts list, which I believe strongly to be an issue caused by the syncing of Skype
and Hotmail.
My question put simply:
Is there any way for me to restore my contacts list to the way it was before all non-Yahoo contacts got deleted, and how?
I thank you for your time and will await a response.
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