
I'm owner of a skydrive group, which is basically only using the email list feature of the group.

I've been able to add  people, and they get the emails sent out to the group email address,  except one :

This user has a gmail account, and an invitation sent to that user seems to arrive ok. The problem is though
that immediately a different User and Email address shows up in the Skydrive members list. This email address is a hotmail address.

I think the latter User and Email address might have been used to accept an invitation before (unsure), but then this user changed to a gmail address.
If I remove the user and send a new invitation to the gmail account, I still get the wrong user/e-mail in the member list.

Could it be that the hotmail/gmail are somewhat linked (i.e. forwarding of e-mail from gmail -> hotmail) or similar, so that the acceptance
comes from hotmail?

Any possibilities to get the right User and Email address there ?


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