
I'm still planning a move from a desktop PC to an iMac.

I've gathered that the Calendar in Outlook 2011 won't sync with Canedar on the iMac so (I think I'm right here...) so what about Oulook 2010 running in Win7 and Parallels?


So,  if I use Parallels, Win 7 and Office 2010 on the iMac I assume I can sync the Outlook Calendar with my Google calendar (using google calendar synch running in Win 7) and the Calendar on iMac with Google Calendar (And either my iPad/iPhone with Google Calendar or with Calendar on iMac - don't know about that bit yet ... so first part of my question is has anyone any advice here as to the best way to achieve this sync between all devices and Outlook 2010 Calendar?)

I can acess Gmail with my iPhone/iPad to keep up with mail when out and about as well.

So the second part of my question my question is, How do I synch the contacts in Outlook 2010 with my iPhone , iPad and iMac Contacts?

Currently on the PC, iTunes syncs with contacts. Will iTunes on an iMac with OSX sync with Outlook contacts on same iMac running Parallels/Win7/Office 2010?

As always, many thanks for the help and support you guys give.



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