I am having trouble sending emails.  My contact list is missing.  I can't auto popluate addresses by typing part of it in.  I can't access the contact list by clicking on the To: button and when I go to the menu option for Contacts it doesn't find my contacts.  Something is very wrong, it has been like this for 2 days.  How do I get access to my email contacts ASAP!
this has happened in the last couple of weeks. I usually access my e-mail accounts a few times a week. Maybe when I'm on vacation they tend to get backed up but, i didn't expect them to be deleted. Where are they???

As of today whenever I have tried to access my Hotmail "contacts" folder it looks completely different than the rest of the site. Secondly, when I look up at the address bar at the top of the browser instead, of it saying, 'https//www.(something) Hotmail', etc it suddenly changes to this: https://bay002.mail.live.com/mail/contacts.mvc#!/mail//contacts.mvc.


Have you / your company done anything to change access to parts of your site? I have been trying to access my Hotmail account multiple times.every time I do it's the same result:  the "Contacts" section is totally different and doesn't mesh with the rest of my Hotmail account.  I'm wondering if my account or access thereof has somehow been 'highjacked'.  For the most part I am able to log in to the site as usual.  Everything initially looks normal. I can even tap into a few of the folders with no problem. They all look the same.  However, when I go to the "Contacts" folder the color scheme and layout of the page has somehow changed to some sort of reddish-orange colored  'people' motif page.  All my other pages are the standard blue & white colored pages.  What gives?

Do you recognize any of this? Please advise.


Thanks for your help.

We run Windows 7 on our Dell computer and use Microsoft Windows Live.  I would like to be able to access my Live email from a remote computer, but do not know how.  The computer and the Live was set up for us by another person and we are not aware of any sign-ons or passwords to allow us remote access.  Sorry not very computer literate.
this is my wife hot mail because u gave me a link required to have a hotmail account and im asking for my password reset therefore i don't have access to my hotmail anyways again this is my wife's account  the number u provided me for this issues is RE: SRX1183829061ID  and my name is Richard S u should know the rest and i need u to communicate via my secondary email and ask me question about whats on my email account folders i can explain to u whats in the one any only folder i refer to in the id above and if u would only call me at  home which u have the number for or email me asking me the question and give me a email i will get a response from and not a unmonitored one i could clear this all up pretty dare fast i keep telling the ppl its old info there and i really forget to change it and will make sure i do now i tell u please please please help me with this issue

Thanks  for your time
Richard S

I have set up two separate WLM email accounts on my new computer, changing over from XP and OE. Easy Transfer brought over the old emails. However, it also transferred our two individual address lists as one cluster from OE and WLM is using it as the master contact list. I can't figure out how to create/access separate contact lists for the two individual accounts. My wife's massive list comes up when all I want is my 26 name contact list. I can see my list as a Category(?) in Contacts, but can't access it when I want to create or forward an email. How do I access my small contacts list or set up two separate contact lists for our two separate accounts so I can avoid her huge list? This is for picking and choosing specific addressees for any given email, NOT for a Group mailing.

All my experience is with OE and I really like the completely separate mail accounts, settings, contacts lists of OE. Am finding that WLM and W Essentials, sign ins, and other unnecessary actions very annoying to say the least just to send out a simple email. 

no access to the list of contacts...so no possibility to send messages...
I cant edit or delete contacts from my hotmail address list. All I get now in the contacts page is a name and email address. No edit buttons or anything else, only a link to messenger. Why that? I have enough things connecting me with messenger without asking as it is, thank you, So how about not fixing something that wasn't broken in the first place! Just give me access to my email account please.
Contacts page just lists names. Clicking a name just brings up the address, nothing else. Where have you hidden the edit functions?

My mother has an e-mail address linked to Hotmail, which she no longer can access due to not remembering her password.

The alternate e-mail address is no longer valid, and the password can't be sent there - and she can't fill out the security form with enough information; she could provide her name, birth date and zip code which apparently wasn't enough. If there are other fields that must be filled out, you have to mark these and not list them all as optional. She doesn't use this account but for logging into her World of Warcraft account; she doesn't send or receive e-mails on it, or, if she does, she doesn't remember who sent them or why - and she doesn't have an Xbox or any credit card linked to this account - all in all, she's helpless in the process of renewing her password and regain access to her account; why can't she use the security questions she provided when she created the account initially any longer, since it was changed to Microsoft ID or whatever? That's plain ridiculous.

She doesn't use this account to receive or send e-mails, as I wrote she only uses it to log onto other services. Then she was forced to change her password upon turning her account into a Microsoft ID (or something like that according to her?) and now it doesn't work to log in with the password she provided. The current security form doesn't work for her and we need to be able to get access to her account again. Please answer as soon as possible.

Since I assume you will need the e-mail address in question, you will need to contact me privately by e-mailing me a response since I can't email this question anywhere (which is also stupid - I was forced to log in to ask my question, and if you have to ask a question on how to work something out by providing a password which you don't have, you can't even ask for help. Lucky she has me around to ask for her, since that setup is idiotic.) and I don't want to list it out in the open due to the enormous amount of real hackers around the world (when she tries to log into her account it says she's tried too many passwords too many times to be able to log in).

I apologize for any rudeness, but I'm just amazed at how incredibly lacking the service is and hope this can be sorted out somehow, rather sooner than later.
In my contacts, the categories information has been changed.  I can no longer access my categoris to edit.  I need to be able to access catetories and add or delete contacts.  Something has messed up this info in my contacts.  What do I do?