I'm really having a problem getting of of Hotmail's email blacklist.  Last week, individual, person-to-person emails started getting bounced from our domain with the following message:

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
SNT0-MC3-F26.Snt0.hotmail.com #550 SC-002 (SNT0-MC3-F26) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors. ##

 We had just suffered a minor infection with a botnet rootkit, which resulted in   us being put on several popular email blacklists, although we do not think any SPAM was actually sent from our domain.  The problem was quickly corrected, and we were cleared from all of the blacklists, except Hotmail. 

 Researching the problem, I found this reporting page: https://support.live.com/eform.aspx?productKey=edfsmsbl3&ct=eformts&wa=wsignin1.0


 Which I have carefully filled out three times now.   There is never any kind of response or acknowledgement the submission has been received by anyone.  And the blacklist is not being removed. 

  My email server is completely legit, there are no problems with my DNS. I have an SPF record. We do not use any mailing lists, or send any unsolicited mail. All of the emails in question are from a legitimate, verifiable email address, to a single legitimate verifiable email address. So, I have no idea why we would be generating a "name space mining" error. I'm not really even sure what that is.


 It seem that this is the forum  to discuss these sorts of problems, but the responses I've seen to others with similar problems seem to be mostly form-responses.   Is there any other way to contact Microsoft about this matter?



Jim Helfer

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***


Hi Support, 

We are a part of SNDS program. Usually, we check the status of IP in the below given link:


If any of the IP address is blocked, we used the submit the form for the same which is available in the link given below:


Recently, we are not receiving any acknowledgement/ reference number after the submission of the above form. We are just receiving the fresh page of the form with out any data.

We have tried in different browser and from different PC as well, but is of no help.

Could you please look into this issue and check why the acknowledgement/ reference number is not getting generated.
