I received approximately 20 emails over the last 30 minutes that were all from
**Removed for Privacy** and **Removed for Privacy**. They all said
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed and then if i clicked on the attachment they were spam emails. i changed my hotmail password and security question, and also changed my spam filter to receive only email addresses from people in my address book. it seemed to stop. Wondering what if anything else i should do to stop this from happening again, other than changing my password every 30 days.
I cannot sent an email with an attachment. I get a 0x800ccc0f error code. Have tried the suggested fix and removed and reintalled my email account. All it did was delete all my saved emails.
Talked with RR and they said because I can sent attachment from their site it is a problem with Windows Live Mail.
How can I attach pictures to an email (using Windows Live Mail) without using SkyDrive? I like this feature, but a lot of people I send pictures to prefer them as an attachment. Can I do this? Everytime I try it just automatically sends my pictures as an album in skydrive. Also, when I send them via SkyDrive and my friends want to download the pictures, they cannot seem to change where the pictures are downloaded to on their computer.
Highlight the thumbnail in a My Pictures folder > click on it > Send To > [a pane opens: pics altered to JPEG's and a downsized pixel dimension of 640x480 ] . OK. Then Outlook Express auto-opened with the downsized pic as an attachment (and also within the body of the email) - all ready to be sent. Easy and convenient.
Now, with my Windows 7, I get as far as, Send To > [a pane again opens, this time offering choices of downsizing - which is good and better than previously] > OK. But that is it ! Windows Live Mail window doesn't auto-open, no attachment can be found, and the pic that was downsized and 'Sent To' hasn't been sent anywhere that I an find!
Please help: how do I email a photograph?
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