I am unable to delete email addresses that are no longer valid or in many cases multiple entries of the same person (name and email address) appear in the auto populate feature of Outlook, even though they are entered only once as a contact.  THank you.  Debra Dobbs
Original Title: Ali


i want when i finish the drafting of a emai it is shifted to outbox and not automatically send and receice. Once i try by work offline it is ok but every time need to switch offline????  or i can make setting that it is not auto sent and it remain in outbox.  please confirm.
used auto vacation notice on email now i can't cancel it
 I no longer have an auto fill to the sender but their info is in my Hotmail contacts.  I also do not get an auto fill on replys.
How do I recover spell check in my email?t was there until last week. I am not sure if I inadvertently hit the wrong command. It had worked fine for over a year now. 
How to put auto signature when sending or replying?
when I reply to an e mail the To: address does not auto fill. I have to cut and paste from contact list
My outlook 2011 auto responds to a read reciept with out asking me. how do i stop that? pleeeeese
I like to get  Auto confirmation on the Email's that we send out, what do I need to do?

I was typing an abbreviation (HSA) in Windows Live Mail that auto corrected to HAS. How do I change the rule for this?