My Outlook Contacts - sorted as: last, first
Outlook contacts birthday calendar created automaticaly but the order is - first, last.
Is there a way to sort them like my contacts (last, first)?



I have strange problem with birthday calendar. I want to edit contacts and one of task is to populate birthdays for contacts that does not have one. I added entries into contacts details and when I go to calendar more than half of birthdays are not showing! I try to delete birthday, add again, change to another day... but nothing, no result. Then I use calendar interface to add birthday and added missing birthdays but now I have doubled contacts or some contacts have two "links" to outlook?!?? And for one contact, even birtday is 18.03.xxxx in calendar apear in 18.03.xxxx and 18.04.xxxx and when I try to delete entry I receive error and message say that I should try letter (but letter also not work). Also for one contact I miss spell one letter and I see that in calendar but when I correct contact Name calendar does not accept that changes?!?


So what is wrong with this service? I done everything as in help and results is hmmm, very strange!


So how to delete that unbelievable April entry from birthday calendar? And why entries that entered as contact info, most of them, are not shown in Calendar? And why, why entries added throw Birhtday calendar duplicated contacts (or create new linked contact) if Help said (quote) :


Calendar is connected to your contact list in People
  • If you add a birthday to a contact in People, the birthday will be added to your calendar.

  • If you add a birthday in Calendar, and the name you enter matches someone in your contact list, the birthday will be added to their contact.

  • If you add a birthday in Calendar, and the person isn't in your contact list, they'll be added. 


p.s. Also two contacts have anniversary but calendar does not show them. How to show that also?

    Hi there


    My Birthday calendar notifications appear to be automatically set up for 12 hours prior to the event - which invariably works out the day before.

    Is there anyway of changing this period on a bulk basis, as I was unable to find anything in the Calendar settings area other than switching off the notifications completely.


    Thanks in advance.


    Good day,


    I have deleted my birthday calendar to stop emails and calendar notifications on my phone. Instead I have created a new birthday calendar with no notifications at all.


    The emails have stopped, however I now receive 2 notifications on my phone calendar (one from current birthday calendar and one from the deleted calendar).


    Is there any way to disable both notifications?


    Thank you in advance




    There seem to be serious problems with synchronisations of contacts, see below.
    If there is a workable solution to restore the effects, I'd very much like to be informed!
    But after all I tried, there's little hope left.
    ISSUE 1
    This evening I noticed several birthdays appeared TWICE in my birthday calendar. Both on and in my phone, so synchronisation between Outlook and phone seems to work correctly.

    What I tried:
    - I removed the entire birthday calendar on
    - Synched with my phone, in order to remove the birthday calendar from my phone
    - Then re-added the birthday calendar on
    - Synched with my phone again, to re-add the birthday calendar.

    Now there are no more duplicates, but several birthdays there were previously there, now are MISSING. There are several examples of contacts that do show a birthday in the contact details on (and on my phone), but who do NOT have a birthday in the birthday calendar. So this error even has nothing to do with my phone, within the birthday calendar is incorrectly populated from the contacts that are also on
    ISSUE 2
    I have one example of a Facebook contact who has it´s birthday registered in it´s Facebook account. This contact is shown on my phone with birthday, but on without birthday. Most other details for this contact (names of children etc) are visible on my phone but invisible on The birthday for this contact is missing in the birthday calendar.
    What I tried:
    - Removed Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter accounts
    - Checked that all contacts were removed from phone and, and all linkes were gone.
    - Reset my phone to factory setting without restoring a backup
    - Set up my phone from scratch, linking all accounts one by one...
    Still the exact same error.
    ISSUE 3
    I've also noticed on several occasions that after accepting new friends (e.g. Facebook), those friends are sometimes added as contacts automatically (which they should), but sometimes it requires a manual re-synchronisation.


    I had American Airlines email me the calendar information for my flights and the emails arrived in my inbox with a calendar icon next to them but I can't figure out how to import them into my calendar. 

    I also can't seem to turn off the notifications i get from my birthday calendar. I have gone into my calendar settings and disabled notifications but for some reason despite disabling notifications it is still showing me notifications

    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    All the best.

    i have tried multiple different computers, operating systems and browsers.  how do I delete my calendars on my account?  I would like to delete my birthday calendar and US holidays calendar and all entries on those calendars.  I cant even do it manually as when I try to delete any birthday entry I get this message:


    Calendar error
    Sorry, there’s a problem deleting this birthday right now. Please try again later.
    All contacts have already been deleted from the account.
    thanks for your help.