Seit dieser Woche kann ich keine emails mehr senden ( der Button senden taucht überhaupt nirgends auf ) und die Menüleiste ( Löschen .... ) welche über den mails steht, ist auch nicht mehr da. Wo ist das hin ?
When signing on, the screen came up with a box suggesting that I use the HTTP
to secure everything. So..... I selected the button for http.
Now my Mac /Safari has lost the hotmail format that I normally see.
Help !!!!!!!!!
I hit either the shift or control key quite a few times when thinking I was hitting the enter button. I am using Hotmail on a desktop using Windows 98.
Why has Hotmail suddenly started grouping any emails Sent/Received to/from the same person together? Have I hit a button accidentally? Can I stop it? I find it very confusing. I like my Sent and Inbox emails to be stored separately in the appropriate place.
how do I add a button to search for next unread email in folder? A button that will take me directly to it rather than scrolling down looking for it.
The instructions say to click the "start" button and search "mail"
Win 8 has no start button.
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