To unblock I need a code which is being sent to my hotmail account, but I can not sign in to get the code. I have checked every avenue to get help but they lead me to sign in and I cant. How do I get in my accountl?
I uninstalled windows live as I've been having a problem sending emails. That didn't work I still can't send emaisl. I can receive email. How do I get back to Windows Live that came with Windows 7 ? Or how do I fix this problem!!!!!
When I make my acount for alternative adress I put adress of my friend. And now that adress is changed and when I send a code I cant pick another way to back my acount. This is my other acount but I want my old. What I gonna do?
my other account (one i used the most) is blocked because of spams (or viruses i don't really know) . And hotmail is sending the code to my alternate email. however i cant remember my alternate email. What will i do right now?
i keep getting **** pictures on my profile pic once i log in, but now it logs into someone elses name, i cant get it to keep my log in, it switches to a jeanna mcknight i dont even know that name. what can i do to get rid of it
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