Someone ask me how to fix the maximum number of characters by line on a new message? But I don't know how and if it is possible.

Example, theorically these lines below are fixed at 9 characters: 


He wants to reduce the number of character before an automatic "Enter key"

I don't know if i'm clear, lol


Hello Support

I have an hotmail account. When I send the swedish character in the subect of the mail then the special character not working inside the email. The special character are turned into some symbols.Please check the attached images.


When an email thread builds up to multiple replies Outlook displays the old mail in the thread in a single character column. Its pretty hard to describe without posting a picture but to illustrate a text like "this" would be displayed as:


And the text "On November 6th 2012 Joe Bloggs wrote" displays as


[well you get the idea].

The same email viewed from Mail.app displays just fine. As does webmail.

What am I doing wrong?
I keep getting a message in outlook saying: Character not allowed in mailbox name: '.'    It pops up every few minutes and i can't seem to resolve it, and it is getting really disruptive. It is linked to an IMAP email account i have with my old university set to download into outlook. Does anyone know how i can resolve this?

I have always received  some spam message in my Junk folder and accepted that.  However, within recent months I have been receiving well over 200 spam per day.  My concern is that some legitimate emails are also being sent to the Junk folder instead of my Inbox.   I try to block as much spam as possible but it has become tiring since the spam senders modify their domain name by 1 character/digit so a huge amount of  spam gets through.  I would like to set my preferences to delete ALL spam but unfortunately some legitimate emails arrive in the Junk even though they are listed in my Contacts and also  as 'safe' in my preferences under 'safe and blocked' senders.  I don't want to lose legitimate emails hence opted not to set my preferences to delete all spam immediately.  I don't want all this spam and would appreciate it you can advise how can this be resolved.

Thank you.


I was trying to set up a password reset account for my website using your SMTP server and kept getting an authentication error.  After exhausting everything I could think of I changed my password to something much simpler and shorter and it started working. Here is the 25 character password I was trying to use:

(removed PII)

I'm not sure if there is a special character it didn't like or if it was the length but I could log into the account at hotmail.com just fine with it.


Can you tell me what the password restrictions are for SMTP authentication?