If I scroll down my inbox emails are there but once again all the font is in blue and the emails will not open. What ever I click on does not work. 


I also get this dul17w.dub117.mail.live.com/default.aspx  in the done box at the bottom of the screen,

Mi correo es con @hotmail.com, por qué no puedo conectarme en el msn con un amigo que tiene @live.com?
Les ruego que me disculpen pero necesitaba una dirección de correo que estaba en outlook, la he podido conseguir, pero cuando he ido a salir me he encontrado que también yo estaba en outlook, yo tenia mi correo en creo que es wuindows live hotmail.com y no hallo la forma de volverme a rehubicar en mi antiguo correo. Lo he intentado de todas las formas que me han parecido posibles no lo he conseguido, luego he visto que parece que microsoft ha hecho un regulación en fin que no entiendo porque no me puedo poner en mi hotmail, que para mi es mucho más fácil de entender
Si me pueden ayudar se los agradeceré
Mientras les saludo atentamente mi correo es    *** Email address is removed for privacy *** - O - *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

The host 'mail.yourdomain.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'mail.yourdomain.com', Server: 'mail.yourdomain.com', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

The host 'mail.yourdomain.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'mail.yourdomain.com', Server: 'mail.yourdomain.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
That is a kind of WLM fact since 2009. 

I've created 2 differente accounts, with my domain.com and another with hotmail.com. 

The only difference between, its hotmail dont have problems with the site (people.live.com), your contacts database. The other domain received always a error "outlook connected" when I dont use outlook and either, in private browsing mode.

The contacts problem: I add 15 contacts or 20, and it only remains 5 on the WLM but online, it means, in the site people.live.com I've it all. I dont understand also why. I've clean the contacts cache on my desktop, install unistall and reinstall WLM 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 and it continues with the same issue.

Microsoft, please report this problem and fix it please.

i tried to login to my inbox from the pop up chat window, but i get the notepad open with the following up the top.....

mail_live_com[1]..com_rru=inbox&wlexpid=906F8138EF6744BCA7B2252082F31485&wlrefapp=2 - Notepad


i have uninstalled the program and downloaded again, but still happens,,,i can login by using IE but this is a nuisance...


Help please,,,roxane

I have received an email and documents which I want to forward to someone else together with my comments.
No puc administrar les categories existents, ni entrar ni afegir contactes ni modificar-lo. Com puc fer-ho ?
meu msn esta conectado ao bate papo do facebook mais as mensagens esta estranhas vem com numeros e naum consigo ver o q os meu amigos me manda o que eu faço pra voltar ao normal